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VFD is not running on 64-bit OS

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 6:48 pm
by Mohamed007
Im trying to run VFD on 64-bit Windows 7 and i can, on the website of the application i found some solutions to solve the problem but the dll i downloaded (was included in the web site) and replaced it with the old one doesn't made any changes, can any one help me?

Re: VFD is not running on 64-bit OS

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 8:33 pm
by ~
You must run VFD as administrator or it won't work in Windows 7.

Here is a VFDWin version prepared for 64 bits, although you must configure it:

You need to do the following (I'll try to make a video showing it in YouTube):

- Run the dseo13b.exe file.
- Select the "Enable Test Mode" option.
- Now select the "Sign a System File", and type the full path to the "vfd64.sys" file.
- Sign the driver by pressing OK.
- Reboot the system to enable the changes.
- Open vfdwin.exe. Go to the "Driver" tab and type the full path to "vfd64.sys".
- Install it, then start it automatically (the "vfd64.sys" driver).
- Select any floppy image and use it normally.

By the way, make sure not to upload this file to a collection of yours of the If you do, it might break it for some illogical reason. So it would probably be better to upload files to individual collection URLs and if they block or break the new collection, just don't download them to other existing collection.

Re: VFD is not running on 64-bit OS

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 5:41 am
by Mohamed007
After following you, VFD now is working. Thanks

Re: VFD is not running on 64-bit OS

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:30 pm
by ~
Please try again. My web server was powered off this morning around 5 or 6 hours ago. It cannot be uploaded to the so I had to upload it to my home server which is very slow and intermittent.

Re: VFD is not running on 64-bit OS

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 10:25 pm
by ~
You can see exactly how to configure 64-bit Windows 7 and VFDWin in the following video: