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[Suggestion] Turn on 2 features in Media Wiki (CSS & JS)

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 11:28 pm
by FallenAvatar

Can we get the following 2 settings enabled on the Wiki?$wgAllowUserCss$wgAllowUserJs

This would allow users to define their own css/js (that only applies to them, when they are logged in) to customize the Wiki. I think this would be a nice feature to have (though far from "required" or needed) but it seems easy enough to enable.

Obviously there could be security concerns for a given user. But given the advanced nature of the discussion/topics here, i think its a relative non-issue.

- Monk

Re: [Suggestion] Turn on 2 features in Media Wiki (CSS & JS)

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 4:11 am
by onlyonemac
Stylish + GreaseMonkey


Re: [Suggestion] Turn on 2 features in Media Wiki (CSS & JS)

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 2:07 pm
by FallenAvatar
Hmm, wasn't aware of stlyish thanks for that. (Already have tampermonkey as well)

So yea, guess this isn't really needed.

- Monk

Re: [Suggestion] Turn on 2 features in Media Wiki (CSS & JS)

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:00 pm
by FallenAvatar
Re-opening this as it doesn't solve any issues on mobile.

Anyone have any ideas that apply to Chrome on Android? (Apply/iOS? ewwwwwww! Not mobile? sorry I have a life. Install something besides Chrome? Nope, I like Google/Alphabet knowing what I visited recently so I can view/review things on mobile or desktop from the opposite device previous.

- Monk