Problem with far pointers (16 bit real mode)
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 9:17 pm
I currently have a real mode c "kernel" (it's only in its early stage) that i compile with watcom's toolchain. The kernel gets loaded with cs being 0x800, which matches the linker script's segments and offset definitions. I skimmed through watcom's manual and used the __segment modifier as so:
-which fills the screen as intended with exclamation marks. However, this code just doesn't do anything and seems to get the IP register lost in memory as any following code doesn't get executed:
Disassembly yields the following:
Is there a way to get the far pointer method to work like the segment offset method? I want to be able to use subscripts, especially when I start doing heavy lifting in non-text modes.
Code: Select all
__segment screen = 0xb800;
char __based(void)* scrptr = 0;
while (scrptr < 80 * 25) {
*(screen:>scrptr) = '!';
scrptr += 2;
Code: Select all
mov ds:word_911E, 0B800h
seg000:1014 xor ax, ax
seg000:1016 mov ds:word_911C, ax
seg000:1019 jmp short loc_9023
seg000:101B ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg000:101B loc_901B: ; CODE XREF: sub_9000+35j
seg000:101B cmp ds:word_911C, 7D0h
seg000:1021 jnb short loc_9037
seg000:1023 loc_9023: ; CODE XREF: sub_9000+19j
seg000:1023 mov bx, ds:word_911C
seg000:1027 mov es, ds:word_911E
seg000:102B mov byte ptr es:[bx], 21h ; '!'
seg000:102F inc bx
seg000:1030 inc bx
seg000:1031 mov ds:word_911C, bx
seg000:1035 jmp short loc_901B
Code: Select all
char __far* text = 0xb8000;
while (i < 80 * 25) {
text[i] = '?';
i += 2;
Code: Select all
loc_9037: ; CODE XREF: sub_9000+21j
seg000:1037 ; sub_9000+53j
seg000:1037 mov ax, ds:word_8008 [just a zero in the datasegment]
seg000:103A cmp ax, 7D0h
seg000:103D jge short loc_9055
seg000:103F mov bx, 912h
seg000:1042 mov es, bx
seg000:1044 assume es:nothing
seg000:1044 mov bx, es:0
seg000:1049 add bx, ax
seg000:104B mov byte ptr [bx], 3Fh ; '?'
seg000:104E add ds:word_8008, 2
seg000:1053 jmp short loc_9037