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Tabos 0.2.6 released

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 10:52 am
by Jan-Michael Brummer
Hi everyone,

the tabos team is proud to give you all a christmas present :)) Our new stable version has been released which gets rid of our previous slow problems. this one has got alot of new feature you can read on our page in detail. please test it and send us bug reports or just a good-work-report :))

We wish you a merry christmas.

Jan-Michael Brummer & Ingo Pansa

Re:Tabos 0.2.6 released

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 10:56 am
by Jan-Michael Brummer
For everyone who dont know our site:

Re:Tabos 0.2.6 released

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 10:50 am
by Pype.Clicker
looks like the downloadable image is at

Re:Tabos 0.2.6 released

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 7:59 pm
by Jan-Michael Brummer
yes it is :)

are there some comments about our os or even some testing reports? i am really looking forward to your replys.

Re:Tabos 0.2.6 released

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 11:51 pm
by tua
works in qemu.
fails to work in bochs.

basic functionality seems to be present, like you say on your website. but there is nothing spectacular about a basic OS with a shell and even a GUI.

it needs documentation, badly:
-motivation, plans, goals, methods
-overall architecture (current and intended)
like i asked in your forum. that^ is what is interesting, not just "getting it to work", which may be fun for you, or fun to watch your progress out of idle curiosity, like i do.

you invite people to join your project, but how can one decide whether to join, without that^ information? it's like going somewhere, not knowing or caring where, like taking a random bus. only people who are insane or running from something do that.

Re:Tabos 0.2.6 released

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 3:06 am
by distantvoices
OS works. Are you writing changes back to the disk, when one creates a file or a directory in a vfs-leaf which is connected to a block device? Nice fun stuff provided, but nothing extra ordinary. Couldn't try that GUI/Window manager stuff. Where is it?

Website doesn't work with IE. This is neither IE's bug nor w3c correctness. This is simply laziness and arrogance not to look why it refuses to work with IE. With this attitude, your project isn't likely to get much attention.

@tua: good questions. As far as I have found out browsing the web presence (with Firefox) as well as the source code, they are doing a monolithic kernel with the possibility to load/unload/browse kernel modules. Nothing bad me thinks.

Re:Tabos 0.2.6 released

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 9:39 am
by Jan-Michael Brummer
according to the webpage ie stuff: we do not have access to an ie browser so it is hard for us to fix this one. that has nothing to do with laziness and arrogance, since noone can expect us to have a copy of windows. of course we are interested in fixing this bug, but not with breaking the w3c.

more information text about our operating system, our aims and more documentations are in progress and will be released to public in a month or two. a quick look into these documents are available in our jugend forscht work, but it is in german at the moment. sry.

the gui stuff is under a redevelopment: you can find a demo in the tabos applications source or on the floppy disc image. just type wm, thats all.

Re:Tabos 0.2.6 released

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 12:08 pm
by distantvoices
First: I care ****** about w3c as long as I can *view* the page with *any* browser. My own web has at least three bugs concerning to w3c, but it is *best*viewed

Second: before emotions get a high tide: What about stuffing together a simple page providing some download links and some basic info about the OS for IE users and redirect the average IE user to this page? Bad idea? Simple Html, no css whatsoever. Something to be viewed by anyone.

Third: I've got an image dated 25.12.2004: there it says command not found when i type 'wm'. Can't find this application in the apps directory either.

Re:Tabos 0.2.6 released

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:36 am
by Jan-Michael Brummer
hi, we are sorry that we caused so many bad feelings. we've just updated the stylesheet file, so it should be possible for all ie users to watch our side. please give it another try and report us your experience with tabos.

Re:Tabos 0.2.6 released

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 8:22 pm
by zloba
First: I care ****** about w3c as long as I can *view* the page with *any* browser. My own web has at least three bugs concerning to w3c, but it is *best*viewed
my pages usually have zero bugs, and they work as expected in all major modern browsers, without much extra effort on my part.

"any browser" is nonsense (imho), whereas "XYZ-compliant" is well-defined.
theory is irrelevant and reality is what matters and what something should operate correctly in (along with other cases, it is especially true when it comes to computers).
since when is theory irrelevant?
theory and practice complement each other. ignoring either is asking for trouble.
and btw, standards aren't just theory - they work in practice.

Re:Tabos 0.2.6 released

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 7:44 am
by bubach
why settle for one of them, when you can tweak the w3c standard to allow perfect viewing in all major browsers.. ;)

Re:Tabos 0.2.6 released

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 9:58 am
by zloba
why settle for one of them, when you can tweak the w3c standard to allow perfect viewing in all major browsers..
of course. standard complicance is like grammar - civilised people use it correctly. like grammar, it doesn't guarantee that a text makes sense. and making your point clear (or making your website appear as intended) sometimes takes some tweaking.

well, not always perfect, but acceptable. pinning it down to the last pixel is imho a rather useless exercise, and the standard doesn't guarantee precise appearance.