Int 13h BIOS routines not working on real hardware
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 12:36 pm
I've been trying to develop a basic OS that includes a primitive bootloader. The full project is on Github ( and I've gotten to the point of reading keyboard input using QEMU. However, once I run it on real hardware it fails on the first stage of the bootloader. Specifically, any call to Int 13h fails.
The build process/run process:
Running with QEMU works without problems. When loaded onto a USB drive and booted on my old Asus Aspire 5735Z (BIOS: the carry flag is always set after Int 13h. All Int 10h work fine. Whenever I use one of the read functions it returns AH=0x01 (Bad command). I've tried CHS and LBA addressing (both work emulated) and looping each function until it works (computer hangs). I've tried looping through every drive number and hardcoding various drive numbers (0x00,0x01,0x02,0x80,0x81,0x82) to no avail. I don't think this has to do with using a USB stick because my computer consistently detects the drive as bootable and loads the above bootsector into memory. Running as an emulated USB mass storage device (qemu-system-i386 -usb file:boot.img) also works. Grub/Linux is installed on the computer's main HDD and loads without issue.
Code: Select all
; boot1.nasm
; Stage 1 of boot process. Loads stage 2 into 0x600.
ORG 0x7C00
; This stage tries not to use the stack
jmp 0:start
; Data
error db "Bootloader Stage 1 failed. Error Letter: "
errorletter db 0
error2 db ". Error Code: 0x"
errorcode dw 0
error3 db ".",0
drive db 0
db 0x10, 0 ; Header
dw 0x10 ; 16 sectors
dw 0x600
dw 0x0
dq 0
; Text
; Starts at 0x7D00 to make debugging more convenient
times 256 - ($-$$) db 0
; Store any registers we want to keep
mov byte [drive], dl
; If drive is 0, set to 0x80
cmp byte [drive], 0
jne .regc
mov byte [drive], 0x80
; Reset segment registers
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
mov ss, ax
mov es, ax
jmp load_stage2
; Setup error code (stored in ah)
; Error letter (stored in al). followed by hexified error code will print
mov [errorletter], al
mov al, ah
and ax, 0x0FF0
shr al, 4
add ah, 48
add al, 48
cmp al, 58
jl .check1
add al, 7
cmp ah, 58
jl .check2
add ah, 7
mov [errorcode], ax
; Start printing
mov bl, 4Fh ; White on Red
mov cx, 1
xor dh, dh
xor dl, dl
xor si, si
xor bh, bh
; Set cursor position (starts 0,0)
mov ah, 02h
int 10h
; Write charater
mov ah, 09h
mov al, [error+si]
int 10h
inc si
inc dl
cmp byte [error+si], 0
jne .fail_loop
jmp hang
; Copy the first 5 sectors of the disk (boot1+boot2) to 0x600
; Check INT13 extensions
mov ah, 41h
mov dl, [drive]
mov bx, 0x55AA
int 13h
mov ah, [drive]
mov al, 'D' ;Error Letter D
jnc .lba
; Reset Disk
xor ax, ax
mov dl, 0x80
int 13h
inc dl
mov ah, 0x80
mov al, 'E' ;Error Letter E
cmp cl, 0
je fail
mov ah, 02h
mov al, 15
mov ch, 0
mov cl, 1
mov dh, 0
mov dl, 0x80
mov bx, 0x600
int 13h
mov al, 'C' ;Error Letter C
jc fail
jmp check_stage2
mov ah, 42h
mov dl, [drive]
mov si, diskpacket
int 13h
mov al, 'A' ;Error Letter A
jc fail
; If the disk was read correctly then memory 0x7d00-0x7e00 (text from
; boot1) should be the same as 0x700-0x800. (0x7c00-0xd00 contains writable
; variables)
mov si, 0x700
mov ax, 0x0142 ;Error letter B, code 0x01
mov ebx, [si+0x7600]
cmp ebx, [si]
jne fail
add si, 4
cmp si, 0x800
jne .check_loop
jmp 0:0x800
times 510 - ($-$$) db 0
dw 0xAA55
Code: Select all
$ nasm -f bin -o boot1.img boot1.nasm
$ cat boot1.img boot2.img > boot.img
$ python
$ qemu-system-i386 -drive file=andromedos.img,media=disk,format=raw
$ sudo dd if=boot.img of=/dev/sdb