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mobius5 14.03.2004 image

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 11:36 am
by distantvoices
Test report in debug mode: a lo of things which work fine.

Here is the place where it craps out:

vesainit: code=00017000(1700:0000), stack=00019000(1800:1000)
created thread kernel/7 (VesaV86Thread)
vesaInit: version 200, modes at c000:45ae
thread kernel/4: interrupt 14 at 8:c0002d55:d007f004
Pagefault: page not present writing in kernel mode

command threads reveals that thread nr 4 is the MemZeroPageThread.

Hope this helps.

Re:mobius5 14.03.2004 image

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 2:58 pm
by Tim
Thank! A couple of things to try:

1) Disabling VESA: see on the disk
2) Using less memory: try the uppermem command in Bochs. 128MB or less should work.

Re:mobius5 14.03.2004 image

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 2:31 pm
by Slasher
I tried release 5 on my test bed
Pentium 200 Mhz MMX
ATI Mach64 1Mb (Vesa 2.0)
1Gb Hard Disk
52x CD-ROM drive
32Mb Ram
1.44 floppy drive
PS/2 Keyboard
PS/2 Mouse
Sound Blaster compatible sound card (will get make later

Mobius got to "Starting Mobius" and showed 4 squares and froze.

Re:mobius5 14.03.2004 image

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 4:22 am
by Tim
Try choosing the Debug option from the GRUB menu. Or, if you're feeling adventurous, hook up serial cable and a communications program on your dev machine (115200-8-N-1) and choose the Serial option from GRUB.

Re:mobius5 14.03.2004 image

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 11:11 am
by distantvoices
test run in the VMware box with 64 mb ram configuration.
VESA disabled in

Re:mobius5 14.03.2004 image

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 8:32 am
by srg

I've just tested it on my newly built Dual Pentium 133MHz machine with 64MB RAM and S3 Trio64V+ graphics and I get the same problem.


--DevInstallIsaDevice(ata, ata-primary)

It gets to:

DevLoaderThread: got request

and then shows one of those blocks and that's it.
