http://www.themobius.co.uk/sdk/mobius-f ... -23.img.gz
(Note that I use release dates for minor releases, not version numbers -- the next full release will be release 5, and it will be big!)
Some of you have already tested this disk image in the old thread. I'm receiving reports that it's failing to boot in VMware. It's known to crash with 64MB RAM, which is strange, because I might have expected it to crash with much more installed (like 512MB).
Anyway, I'd appreciate it if you could:
1) Boot it wherever. VMware would be useful.
2) If you get a crash, you should be dumped into the kernel debugger. When you're there, you should see a faulting CS:EIP, followed by a fault address, a register dump, and a stack dump. Please type:
pte <fault address - top of the screen, or CR2 value>
Then it would be great if you could post a screenshot of this so I can look at it. The debugger is running in text mode at this point, so a text copy (in Bochs or Virtual PC is enough) would be easiest.
Thanks! If I can prove that this crash happens the way I think it does in VMware, I'll release an image which works better, with a few more goodies