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Best OS projects for learning
Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 5:21 am
by jlledom
I started to read the wiki and follow the tutorials a couple of weeks ago and have to thank you for your great job with this page. It seems to be just copy&paste but it actually introduces one in a huge wave of knowledge.
I hope this question hasn't been asked before (I swear I've searched before asking) but I need some simple and clear OS project as a reference and example for solving doubts and saw that the OS Projects page in the wiki has a lot of projects. It's hard to choose one.
What are the best projects for this purpose?
Re: Best OS projects for learning
Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 6:22 am
by Combuster
The problem is probably that the moment there is a recommendation for something, sometime in the near future we
also end up with another
John Doe's Known Bugs article to go with it
If you want a thorough explanation as to what goes to what implementation, you're probably better off getting a copy of one of the Minix books instead of trying to deduce all twists and turns of someone else's project, especially the all-important ~80% that has not been documented by the author.
Re: Best OS projects for learning
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 2:39 am
by jlledom
Ok, I understand the problem.
Thanks anyway for answering!
Re: Best OS projects for learning
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 3:01 am
by iansjack
The MIT Operating Sysytems Engineering course ( ) is well worth a look. You'll need to suplement it with other resources, but work your way through it and you will learn a lot.
The simple truth is that there is no one resource; you need to look at as many as you can (with a pinch of salt and an open mind). It goes without saying that you also need to study the Programmer's Reference for your particular processor; most of them have extensive, free documentation.
Re: Best OS projects for learning
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:49 am
by jlledom
Wow!! what a great link!!! a MIT course with a schedule, lectures, readings, videos and exercises!!! Thank you so much for showing me this course!
Is there any particular reason why you linked the 2011 edition? I've seen there's also 2012 and 2014 editions
Re: Best OS projects for learning
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:48 am
by iansjack
Sorry, that's just the link I had in my browser from the version I followed. I'm sure you should go for the newest one.
Re: Best OS projects for learning
Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:12 pm
by eryjus
jlledom wrote:Is there any particular reason why you linked the 2011 edition?
I noticed that the 2011 version includes (student-recorded) videos of the lectures, which some might find useful. I did not see the links on the other years.