vivvek wrote:Actually I prepared a budget to hire 250 highly skilled developers. I Averaged a Salary of about $120,000 per annum.
Sorry, but with such employment levels the budget is about two years of business. And no more.
There should be a plan for nearest 10 years at least. The plan should be flexible and less restrictive for distant targets. Nearest term goal is to create a viable base for the next 20 (at least) years of business. The nearest goal achievement can be not very expensive, but it requires the biggest ever attention to the quality of planning, because mistakes at this stage can ruin your business at the start. An important part of the plan should be the selection of a base technology. The technology should provide your business with at least some competitive advantages for the period of business growth. Also it should provide you some very important media advantage (the big buzz). In the long run there will be no technological advantages because the cost of copying software solutions is relatively small, so your nearest goal is all about to be able to get above everybody else on the start. And (as it was already written) the most promising startup booster is a heavy advertising campaign. However, it would be much better base for the future business if at the start you will have some important advantages in software and (possibly) hardware architecture, because they can be of great help at the initial growth stage (first few years).
So, it's a correct perception that you need to decide on the base parts of the future platform, but as it is shown above the decision can be very dangerous in case if it will miss something important for the business growth. And of course, it is much better to consult with many professionals and to hire really good architects and team leads.
vivvek wrote:Im looking for a light OS with as much less SLOC and good features. As the project is a Mobile OS and its still in infantry. We just managed to outline an UI. Funds are established but Im unable to decide between UNIX and LINUX. However, I do not want to develop a modified Android.
If you want to invest in modified UNIX then I'm afraid in the end you will get two nightmares to manage - the modified UNIX and completely incompatible front running system (UI and other tightly related stuff).
So, I still recommend you to invest in a new base for your business. And remember that the hope for the UNIX to be a "Promising , reliable , secure OS" is a miracle, because all it's promises are based on the Android's success (heavily funded, by the way) while it's reliability and security model have nothing to do with the actually very important things that you can find if try to create some really user friendly environment.
vivvek wrote:As Im from India, the project certainly promises a Good Market. Especially as India is an Emerging and Big Market.
India's market requires something cost competitive like free OS and very cheap hardware. Have you explored such ways of doing business? They have some specific requirements and offer much lesser profit unless your business will be extended to the worldwide.
vivvek wrote:Im against Apps and I am after some new ecosystem.
What do you mean when say "Im against Apps"? What ecosystem can be without applications?
vivvek wrote:I also want to provide Android App Compatiability. I dont know if this works.
It works, but for a cost. First of all the Android's architecture will be imposed on your system. It's design I can call "a quick and dirty". While at the first sight it promises a lot, but at the second sight (when you start actually coding for this platform) you discover a lot of poorly documented hidden interdependencies that all your programmers must know. It's just about costs of development for Android, just like for other Google's products like AppEngine, for example. The cost is significantly greater than the cost of creating similar pure Java applications. Also it is the same for the learning curve. And finally - you will be locked in a Google managed spin of "innovations", on every significant Android's update you should always implement the same APIs. It's a hidden cost that can easily drive you out of business.
vivvek wrote:Its a suicidal attempt.
O please, don't be so shaky, it's the planning stage still ahead of you that still can bring you real confidence in your efforts. So, just plan carefully and there will be nothing special about it.