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Bochs reboots when enter to PM

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:53 pm
by muisei
I'm wonderin why this simple code reboots when I set the CR0 register.

Code: Select all

[BITS 16]
[ORG 0x00]

        jmp start

        mov     ax,cs
        mov     ds,ax
        mov     es,ax
        mov     gs,ax
        mov     fs,ax
        mov     ss,ax
        mov     sp,0xffff

        lgdt     [gdtr]               ; Load GDT
        mov     eax,cr0         ; The lsb of cr0 is the protected mode bit
        or        al,0x01         ; Set protected mode bit
        mov     cr0,eax         ; Mov modified word to the control register

        mov     ax,datasel
        mov     ds,ax           ; Initialise ds & es to data segment
        mov     es,ax
        mov     ss,ax
        mov     fs,ax
        mov     ax,videosel     ; Initialise gs to video memory
        mov     gs,ax
        jmp     codesel:go_pm

bits 32
        mov BYTE [gs:0x00],'P'
        mov BYTE [gs:0x01],0x3f
jmp $
;  GDT                                                                                   ;
   dw gdt_end-gdt-1     ; Length of the gdt
   dd gdt                      ; physical address of gdt


nullsel equ $-gdt         ; $->current location,so nullsel = 0h
gdt0:                           ; Null descriptor,as per convention gdt0 is 0
   dd 0                         ; Each gdt entry is 8 bytes, so at 08h it is CS
   dd 0
                                   ; In all the segment descriptor is 64 bits
codesel equ $-gdt       ; This is 8h,ie 2nd descriptor in gdt.Code descriptor 4Gb flat segment at 0000:0000h
   dw 0xffff            ; Limit 4Gb  bits 0-15 of segment descriptor
   dw 0x0000            ; Base 0h bits 16-31 of segment descriptor (sd)
   db 0x00              ; Base addr of seg 16-23 of 32bit addr,32-39 of sd
   db 0x09a             ; P,DPL(2),S,TYPE(3),A->Present bit 1,Descriptor
                        ; privilege level 0-3,Segment descriptor 1 ie code
                        ; or data seg descriptor,Type of seg,Accessed bit
   db 0x0cf             ; Upper 4 bits G,D,0,AVL ->1 segment len is page
                        ; granular, 1 default operation size is 32bit seg
                        ; AVL : Available field for user or OS
                        ; Lower nibble bits 16-19 of segment limit
   db 0x00              ; Base addr of seg 24-31 of 32bit addr,56-63 of sd

datasel equ $-gdt       ; ie 10h, beginning of next 8 bytes for data sd.Data descriptor 4Gb flat seg at 0000:0000h
   dw 0x0ffff           ; Limit 4Gb
   dw 0x0000            ; Base 0000:0000h
   db 0x00              ; Descriptor format same as above
   db 0x092
   db 0x0cf
   db 0x00

videosel equ $-gdt      ; ie 18h,next gdt entry
   dw 3999              ; Limit 80*25*2-1
   dw 0x8000            ; Base 0xb8000
   db 0x0b
   db 0x92              ; present,ring 0,data,expand-up,writable
   db 0x00              ; byte granularity 16 bit
   db 0x00
10x in advance

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 6:42 pm
by Dex
You need to disable interrupts on entering pmode (eg: cli ,)as you have not set idt up yet, also set these:

Code: Select all

      mov     ax,datasel 
        mov     ds,ax           ; Initialise ds & es to data segment 
        mov     es,ax 
        mov     ss,ax 
        mov     fs,ax 
        mov     ax,videosel     ; Initialise gs to video memory 
        mov     gs,ax 
After the jump to pmode.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 3:03 am
by muisei
I rewrote the code like this but still no success.
Bochs says: "exception(): 3rd (13) exception with no resolution, shutdown status is 00h, resetting"
It continues to reboot at "mov cr0,eax"

Code: Select all

[BITS 16] 
[ORG 0x00] 

        jmp start 

        mov     ax,cs 
        mov     ds,ax 
        mov     es,ax 
        mov     gs,ax 
        mov     fs,ax 
        mov     ss,ax 
        mov     sp,0xffff 
        xor eax,eax                    <- Added
        mov ax,ds                      <- Added
        shl eax,4                        <- Added
        add eax,gdt                   <- Added
        mov [gdtr+2],eax           <- Added

        lgdt     [gdtr]             ; Load GDT 
        mov     eax,cr0         ; The lsb of cr0 is the protected mode bit 
        or        al,0x01         ; Set protected mode bit
        mov     cr0,eax

        jmp     codesel:go_pm 

bits 32 
        sti                          <- Added here
        mov     ax,datasel 
        mov     ds,ax           ; Initialise ds & es to data segment 
        mov     es,ax 
        mov     ss,ax 
        mov     fs,ax 
        mov     ax,videosel     ; Initialise gs to video memory 
        mov     gs,ax 

        mov BYTE [gs:0x00],'P' 
        mov BYTE [gs:0x01],0x3f 
jmp $

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:03 am
by Dex
What if you add "org 0x7C00" to the start ?.
As this code works fine for me

Code: Select all

org 0x7C00

; Realmode startup code.

        xor   ax,ax
        mov   ds,ax
        mov   es,ax
        mov   ss,ax
        mov   sp,0x7C00

; Setting up, to enter pmode.

        lgdt  [gdtr]

        mov   eax, cr0
        or    al,0x1
        mov   cr0,eax

        jmp   0x10: protected

; Pmode. ;-)

        mov   ax,0x8
        mov   ds,ax
        mov   es,ax
        mov   ss,ax
        mov   esp,0x7C00
; Turn floppy off (if space).

        mov   dx,3F2h
        mov   al,0
        out   dx,al

        mov   byte [es:0xB8000], "P"
        jmp   $
; GDT.

gdt:        dw    0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000
sys_data:   dw    0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x9200, 0x00CF
sys_code:   dw    0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x9800, 0x00CF

gdtr:	    dw gdt_end - gdt - 1	                                  
	    dd gdt
; Make program 510 byte's + 0xaa55

times 510- ($-start)  db 0  
dw 0xaa55
NOTE: assembled with fasm.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:22 am
by muisei
The code is loaded by the MBR at address 0x50:0x00.Coud that be the problem?

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:29 am
by Dex
Yes as the address will be wrong, here are the seting for a com file loaded to that address "COM program defaults: cs = ds = es = ss = 50h, sp = 0, ip = 100h"

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 1:01 pm
by muisei
But the free convencional memory resides from 0x500 to 0x9FBFF, isn't it.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 9:54 am
by Dex
But 50h is not real 50h, but 500h, somthing like this
;; ;;
;; Memory Map: ;;
;; ~~~~~~~~~~~ ;;
;; ³ Interrupt Vector Table ³ 0000 ;;
;; ³ BIOS Data Area ³ 0040 ;;
;; ³ PrtScr Status / Unused ³ 0050 ;;
;; ³ Image Load Address ³ 0060 ;;
;; ³ Available Memory ³ nnnn ;;
;; ³ 2KB Boot Stack ³ A000 - 512 - 2KB ;;
;; ³ Boot Sector ³ A000 - 512 ;;
;; A000 ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; Boot Image Startup (register values): ;;
;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;;
;; dl = boot drive number ;;
;; cs:ip = program entry point ;;
;; ss:sp = program stack (don't confuse with boot sector's stack) ;;
;; COM program defaults: cs = ds = es = ss = 50h, sp = 0, ip = 100h ;;
;; EXE program defaults: ds = es = 50h, other stuff depends on EXE header ;;

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 1:47 pm
by muisei
Also found this document which may be useful.

Acording to what you said and this document, it seems perfectly legal to me to load my kernel at linear address from 0x600 to 0x9fbff whitout worring that I can overlap some useful code.Is that true?

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:14 pm
by Dex

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:49 am
by muisei
thanks for the enlightening. :)