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Emulation software freezes when setting stack pointer (VBox)
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 5:23 am
by jrhetf4xb
I have been trying to roll my own bootloader for the past couple of days and I'm having some problems with VirtualBox.
Everything seems to be working fine until I attempt to set the stack pointer, at which point my "kernel" freezes.
I discovered this by attempting to print characters on the screen. If I don't touch the stack pointer, they print. If I do, they don't (hence the freeze).
This is the line of code that is problematic:
And this is the big picture:
Code: Select all
.section .data
ch: .byte 0x50
.section .text
.globl bootloader
movw $0, %ax
movw %ax, %es
movw $0x07c0, %ax
movw %ax, %ds
movw %ax, %ss
movw $0x9c00, %sp
movb $0x0E, %ah
movb ch, %al
int $0x10
movb $0x41, %al
int $0x10
movb $0x43, %al
int $0x10
movb $0x41, %al
int $0x10
jmp halt
Does anyone know what's causing this?
Re: Emulation software freezes when setting stack pointer (V
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 6:18 am
by Combuster
.section .data
Where's the linker configuration, and where's the 16 bits code directive?
GAS can't create a bootsector without complications and the help of other apps. People often use an assembler that can write binary files directly for simplicity (yasm/nasm/fasm)
Re: Emulation software freezes when setting stack pointer (V
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:02 am
by jrhetf4xb
This is my linker script (from a post on
Code: Select all
. = 0x7C00;
.text : AT(0x7C00)
_text = .;
_text_end = .;
.data :
_data = .;
_data_end = .;
.sig : AT(0x7DFE)
/* add any unwanted sections spewed out by your version of gcc and flags here */
And this is my shell script to build a binary and create a floppy image so that I can load it into VirtualBox:
Code: Select all
/usr/local/cross/bin/i586-elf-gcc -c -Os -march=i386 -ffreestanding -Werror -I. -o bootloader.o bootloader.S
/usr/local/cross/bin/i586-elf-ld -Tlinker.ld -nostdlib --nmagic -o bootloader bootloader.o
objcopy -O binary bootloader bootloader.bin
dd if=/dev/zero of=floppy.img bs=1024 count=1440
dd if=bootloader.bin of=floppy.img bs=1 count=512 conv=notrunc
As for the 16bit directive, I'm not sure how to specify this one... Tried things like .code16 or .code16gcc but it gave me errors so I just left it like this...
Should I just switch to NASM or keep on with GAS?
Re: Emulation software freezes when setting stack pointer (V
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:15 am
by no92
jrhetf4xb wrote:Should I just switch to NASM or keep on with GAS?
I think Combuster recommends using yasm/nasm/fasm, assuming I'm not completely misunderstanding him.
Re: Emulation software freezes when setting stack pointer (V
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:17 am
by iocoder
jrhetf4xb wrote:Tried things like .code16 or .code16gcc but it gave me errors so I just left it like this...
What errors?! Can you post them please? It is necessary that your assembler should generate 16-bit code.
Well, since you assume that your code is at 0x7C00, then you should set DS to $0 so that the address of "ch" after the linking stage matches with its real location in memory. I dunno why you set SS to $0x7C0 then set SP to $0x9C00. I believe it makes more sense to set SS to $0, unless you want your stack top to be at $0x11800.
Re: Emulation software freezes when setting stack pointer (V
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 10:38 am
by jrhetf4xb
Alright, I put the .code16 directive and I changed the start of the segments and voila! It works, thank you!
As for the error, it might have been something with cygwin but now I'm using a Linux image so it's OK.