Manipulating VBE in V8086 mode - is it safe?
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 5:37 pm
I've heard that manipulating VBE in V8086 mode is a good way to do. However, according to, using BIOS in V8086 mode can be mess... Despite the comment under warning -
If not, what is the second best plan I should do?
- I'm still anxious because -The only device that's mostly exempt from these problems is the Video BIOS, which is not generally bundled with your motherboard and therefore can't rely on BIOS services either. Most current OSes - commercial and hobbyist alike - use a v8086 monitor or emulator to support graphics devices without a native driver so many BIOSes have been tested against such a set-up.
Is it really okay in ALL case? Is it really guaranteed that it's okay?The only device that's mostly exempt from these problems is the Video BIOS, which is not generally bundled with your motherboard and therefore can't rely on BIOS services either. Most current OSes - commercial and hobbyist alike - use a v8086 monitor or emulator to support graphics devices without a native driver so many BIOSes have been tested against such a set-up.
If not, what is the second best plan I should do?