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VirtualBox IDE - CD Detection

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 4:25 pm
by tsdnz
Hi, been on this for a while and thought I would ask to help me find my mistake.

Trying to detect IDE CD in my secondary loader using PCI Bus, using register 2, but the values returned are not what I expect to see, tried SATA and it picks it up as expected.
It boots fine and boot loader using INT loads secondary fine.

Here are the Register 2 it outputs for devices found, I was expecting to see 0x0101, but I cannot find it, any ideas?

0x01060102 - This I added to make sure I was checking this ok, this is expected.

Any idea where IDE CD is?

Re: VirtualBox IDE - CD Detection

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 5:49 pm
by tsdnz
Found it, it was in the function, i was only looking in bus / device, silly me.