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Feature Request: Warning message before closing the editor.

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 4:07 am
by Bender
The title says it.
How about a warning message that comes up when the user is editing/creating a post and by mistake clicks another link or closes the tab? Most forums and sites show a message like 'Warning: Any unsaved changes will be erased. Click OK to proceed or 'Stay on this page' to get back to the editor'

Re: Feature Request: Warning message before closing the edit

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 6:23 am
by Combuster
Backbutton works and preserves content
Undo close tab works and preserves content.

Learn to use your browser :wink:

Re: Feature Request: Warning message before closing the edit

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 7:22 am
by Bender
Well, this is my ignorance, after all this pointless thread gave me some info. :)

Re: Feature Request: Warning message before closing the edit

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 9:33 am
by sortie
Besides, you should 1) likely forward this request to the phpBB developers 2) encourage the administrators to run a version of phpBB that isn't ancient.

Re: Feature Request: Warning message before closing the edit

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:28 am
by Combuster
I can imagine quite a few people finding such a feature annoying. I actually abuse it's current implementation to navigate back to look up parts of the thread I'm replying to.

About [code] tags.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:16 am
by Bender
I dare not to create another topic, but I've seen some beginners post heaps of code. I know that posting a lot of code is against the forum rules, but it seems impossible to stop them (everyone does mistakes). Sadly the "

Code: Select all

" tags don't have a limit and they're stretched as long as the code, which IMO looks irritating. (when you see the whole page with 1000+ lines of code it does).
The FASM forum (which also uses phpBB), has a limit of "[code]" tags. After the code exceeds the limit, it adds a scroll bar, thus a very large piece of code can't take the whole page. Okay, I know you guys will point out a problem with this (which i'd like to know).
Example: (look at the post by "m3ntal").

Re: Feature Request: Warning message before closing the edit

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:50 am
by iansjack
My solution to this problem is to ignore any post that contains a large amount of source code. It's normally a sign that the poster is too lazy to do a bit of debugging; I'm too lazy to debug on behalf of others.

Re: About [code] tags.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 9:10 am
by JAAman
Bender wrote:Hi,
The FASM forum (which also uses phpBB), has a limit of "

Code: Select all

" tags. After the code exceeds the limit, it adds a scroll bar, 
so does ours (at least it does for me...) if it doesn't for you, then its probably theme related (where certain themes do, and other themes don't)

Re: Feature Request: Warning message before closing the edit

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:29 am
by Bender
Yes, it works on SF_Centar and prosilver. I wonder if it's possible for other themes as well.