enabling A20 and keyboard inputs please help!
Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:00 am
i'm a very new to kernel dev so please pardon my ignorance
So far i've build up a kernel which is an asm file (calls the k_main() here) and a C file linked together to form the "kernel.bin"
I'm using a bootloader BOOT02....which doesn't enable A20...moreover if i try to use intrupts my PC reboots...why?how do i switch to real and protected mode...i thought protected mode would be a good thing!..but then i read somewhere it can't handle BIOS inturpts
i use nasmw and gcc
wel how do i enable A20?
my kernel so far can print chars on the screen so the next step as you would u think is to read keyboard inputs
i tried using ints (int 16th..) but that just crashes my PC...
now i'am totally confused as what exactly is and the need of GDT and intrupt table!..please try to help or provide helpful links....
is there a source code available for keyboard inputs which uses inport() and outport()...to read the keyboard input?
i'm a very new to kernel dev so please pardon my ignorance
So far i've build up a kernel which is an asm file (calls the k_main() here) and a C file linked together to form the "kernel.bin"
I'm using a bootloader BOOT02....which doesn't enable A20...moreover if i try to use intrupts my PC reboots...why?how do i switch to real and protected mode...i thought protected mode would be a good thing!..but then i read somewhere it can't handle BIOS inturpts
i use nasmw and gcc
wel how do i enable A20?
my kernel so far can print chars on the screen so the next step as you would u think is to read keyboard inputs
i tried using ints (int 16th..) but that just crashes my PC...
now i'am totally confused as what exactly is and the need of GDT and intrupt table!..please try to help or provide helpful links....
is there a source code available for keyboard inputs which uses inport() and outport()...to read the keyboard input?