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Memory Segment Destruction Question

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 7:06 am
by Bender
My bootloader loads the first Kernel or second stage bootloader at 0x1000:0000,
Then in turn this Second Stage bootloader sets up some services and loads the Main Kernel
at 0x2000:0000, On initialization this Kernel sets all the segment
registers to line up with it I.e. 2000h,
My question is: Is the 0x1000 segment altered during this process,
Would I be able to access the services from the 0x2000 segment like
call 0x1000:00CF ; Location of a function in the second stage binary

Re: Memory Segment Destruction Question

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 7:28 am
by Combuster
I would need the question shotgun to figure out where your gross lack of computer knowledge comes from and address your problem where it matters - although it takes a ridiculous amount of time and it typically gets spoiled by people spoonfeeding sometime into the process. I could also tell you to take basic computer science courses to meet the required knowledge set out in the rules first and not answer things at all.

But first off: have you even tried it?

Re: Memory Segment Destruction Question

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:18 am
by nerdguy
It's pretty much clear that no one knows WTH are you doing with OSDeving, Seeing your previous posts I am thinking that you're a
spambot, just wasting pages on this forum.
Before Starting Out with OSDeving, Please see the following pages :
How to use a computer :
Computer Courses :
QBASIC Programming :
C Programming :
Now read them up for the next few months,
Until then Shut up.