Yesterday I started work on a little PS2 driver so my kernel could finally read keyboard input and (eventually) use the mouse, but the driver seems to have some issues cooperating. Receive interrupts do not want to fire on QEMU, but I know my interrupts are set up correctly as they can be triggered on BOCHS as well as through a software interrupt instruction. The keyboard is detected correctly (it responds with 0xAB83 to an IDENTIFY command) so I believe my IO routines to talk to the controller work. BOCHS also doesn't seem to output the proper scancodes for the keys, usually being either completely off or off by one or two.
I'm really not quite sure why my interrupts aren't getting called. Here is the code for the driver:
Code: Select all
#include <types.h>
#include "io.h"
#include "ps2.h"
#include "device/pic.h"
#include "sys/system.h"
#define PS2_DATA 0x60
#define PS2_CMD 0x64
// assembly IRQ handlers
extern void ps2_irq_ch1(void);
extern void ps2_irq_ch2(void);
uint16_t ps2_ch1_buffer_off;
uint8_t *ps2_ch1_buffer;
uint16_t ps2_ch2_buffer_off;
uint8_t *ps2_ch2_buffer;
static uint16_t ps2_device1_type;
static uint16_t ps2_device2_type;
static uint8_t ps2_config_byte;
static bool ps2_keyboard_ok;
* Waits for the PS2 controller to have data available
static void ps2_wait_io() {
// Wait for bit 0 (output buffer full) to become 1
while(!(io_inb(PS2_CMD) & 0x01));
* Waits for the PS2 controller to be ready to accept more data
static void ps2_wait_write_rdy() {
// Wait for bit 1 (input buffer full) to become 0
while(io_inb(PS2_CMD) & 0x02);
* Initialises the driver and associated PS2 hardware
int ps2_init() {
// Disable both channel's devices
io_outb(PS2_CMD, 0xAD);
io_outb(PS2_CMD, 0xA7);
// Clear receive buffer
// Read configuration byte
io_outb(PS2_CMD, 0x20);
ps2_config_byte = io_inb(PS2_DATA);
// Clear bits 0, 1, and 6 (no IRQ, no translation)
ps2_config_byte &= 0xBC;
// Write back the byte
io_outb(PS2_CMD, 0x60);
io_outb(PS2_DATA, ps2_config_byte);
// Perform controller self test
io_outb(PS2_CMD, 0xAA);
uint32_t counter = 0x00;
while(io_inb(PS2_DATA) != 0x55) {
if(counter > PS2_INIT_TIMEOUT) return -1;
// Initialise second channel if existant
if(ps2_config_byte & (1 << 5)) {
io_outb(PS2_CMD, 0xA8);
// Test if ports work
io_outb(PS2_CMD, 0xAB);
if(io_inb(PS2_DATA) != 0x00) {
return -2; // error out if port is broken
// Enable IRQs
ps2_config_byte |= 0x03;
io_outb(PS2_CMD, 0x60);
io_outb(PS2_DATA, ps2_config_byte);
// Enable devices
io_outb(PS2_CMD, 0xAE);
io_outb(PS2_CMD, 0xA8);
// Reset device 1 and discard ACK
if(ps2_write(0xFF, false, true, false)) return -3;
uint8_t temp = io_inb(PS2_DATA);
if(temp == 0xFA) {
terminal_write_string("Keyboard test OK\n");
ps2_keyboard_ok = true;
// We will probably get 0xAA too
} else if(temp == 0xFC) {
ps2_keyboard_ok = false;
terminal_write_string("Keyboard failure\n");
return -16;
// Identify device
ps2_device1_type = ps2_id_device(false);
ps2_device2_type = ps2_id_device(true);
// If we have a keyboard, initialise it
if((ps2_device1_type & 0xFF00) == 0xAB00) {
// Enable scanning
if(ps2_write(0xF4, false, true, true)) return -4;
// Set keycode set to set 1
ps2_write(0xF0, false, true, false);
ps2_write(0x01, false, true, true);
// Set up IRQ handlers and PIC
// Set up IRQ handlers
sys_set_idt_gate(IRQ_1, (uint32_t) ps2_irq_ch1, 0x08, 0x8E);
sys_set_idt_gate(IRQ_12, (uint32_t) ps2_irq_ch2, 0x08, 0x8E);
terminal_write_string("PS2 Cfg: 0x");
terminal_write_string("\nPS2 Device 1 Type: 0x");
terminal_write_string("\nPS2 Device 2 Type: 0x");
return 0;
* Identifies the device on the given port.
uint16_t ps2_id_device(bool secondPort) {
uint8_t temp;
ps2_write(0xF5, secondPort, true, true); // disable scanning
ps2_write(0xF2, secondPort, true, true); // Identify command
// Now, read identification data
uint8_t identify_1, identify_2;
identify_1 = io_inb(PS2_DATA);
// The device *may* not send a second byte, so use timeout
uint16_t timeout = 0;
while(!(io_inb(PS2_CMD) & 0x01)) {
// We only got one byte, so return just that
if(timeout > PS2_READ_TIMEOUT) return identify_1;
identify_2 = io_inb(PS2_DATA);
return identify_1 << 8 | identify_2;
* IRQ handler for both PS2 devices
void ps2_irq_handler(bool secondPort) {
uint8_t readValue = io_inb(PS2_DATA);
// This macro halts the machine and prints this text: I know it works.
PANIC("PS2 Int");
ps2_ch1_buffer_off = readValue;
sys_pic_irq_eoi(secondPort ? 0x0C : 0x01); // send int ack
* Write a byte to the PS2 device.
* If shouldWait is set, the function will wait for the input buffer bit to
* indicate it's empty before writing.
int ps2_write(uint8_t value, bool secondPort, bool shouldWait, bool waitACK) {
uint16_t timeout = 0;
// Wait for controller to be ready to accept data or timeout
if(shouldWait) {
while(io_inb(PS2_CMD) & 0x02) {
if(timeout > PS2_READ_TIMEOUT) return -1;
// Write data out
if(!secondPort) {
io_outb(PS2_DATA, value);
} else {
io_outb(PS2_CMD, 0xD4); // write port 2
// Wait for controller to accept data
timeout = 0;
while(io_inb(PS2_CMD) & 0x02) {
if(timeout > PS2_READ_TIMEOUT) return -1;
io_outb(PS2_DATA, value);
// If desired, wait for ACK (0xFA) from device
if(waitACK) {
uint8_t temp;
while((temp = io_inb(PS2_DATA)) != 0xFA) {
return 0;
* Test function to return the last byte read from the controller
uint16_t ps2_read(bool secondPort) {
uint8_t value;
return ps2_ch1_buffer_off;
Thanks for any help in resolving this.