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IDT problems

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:12 am
by josephks
I got some problems with IDT and ISRs. My ISR routines are not getting called after installing the IDTs. My source code

IDT structure : idt.h

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struct idt_entry
    uint16_t base_lo;
    uint16_t sel;
    uint8_t always0;
    uint8_t flags;
    uint16_t base_hi;
} __attribute__((packed));

struct idt_entry
    uint16_t base_lo;
    uint16_t sel;
    uint8_t always0;
    uint8_t flags;
    uint16_t base_hi;
} __attribute__((packed));

idt.c : setting the data

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void idt_set_gate(uint8_t num, uint64_t base, uint16_t sel, uint8_t flags)
    idt[num].base_lo = (base & 0xFFFF);
    idt[num].base_hi = (base >> 16) & 0xFFFF ;

    idt[num].sel = sel;
    idt[num].always0 = 0;
    idt[num].flags = flags;

void idt_install()
    idtp.limit = (sizeof(struct idt_entry) * 256) - 1;
    idtp.base = &idt;

    memset(&idt, 0, sizeof(struct idt_entry) * 256);


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.global idt_load                                                                                        
    lidt idtp                                                                                          

   push 0
   push 0
   jmp isr_common_stub
.extern fault_handler

isr_common_stub :
   push %ds
   push %es
   push %fs
   push %gs
   mov %ax, 0x10
   mov %ds, %ax
   mov %es, %ax
   mov %fs, %ax
   mov %gs, %ax
   mov %eax, %esp
   push %eax
   mov %eax, fault_handler
   call %eax
   pop %eax
   pop %gs
   pop %fs
   pop %es
   pop %ds
   add %esp, 8
isrs.c :Fault handler and isrs install

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void isrs_install()
    idt_set_gate(0, (unsigned)isr0, 0x08, 0x8E);
void fault_handler(struct regs *r)
    if(r->int_no < 32)
        terminal_writestring(exception_messages[r->int_no]);  // array is defined in isrs.c
        terminal_writestring("Exception. System Halted!\n");


Kernel main:

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void kernel_main()


    terminal_writestring("Hello, kernel World!\n");

   int a = 5/0;  // Not printing the exception error here
    terminal_writestring("FFTHourtchSThirdecond line : Hello, kernel World!");


Re: IDT problems

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:45 am
by josephks
Continue from my last message:
Using GNU toolchain for i586 (GCC, LD, AS)
Qemu simulator

Re: IDT problems

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 2:14 pm
by Nable
You can use `edit' instead of creating additional messages (especially if there were no answers since your prev. message).

It seems that you're using AT&T syntax (AFAIK, GNU as uses AT&T). And if it's true then you're doing it wrong.

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"mov %ax, 0x10" == "mov [0x10], ax" != "mov $0x10, %ax" == "mov ax, 0x10"
"mov %eax, fault_handler" == "mov [fault_handler], eax" ...
I hope that sence of my `==' and `!=' usage is clear.
Note: it seems that there are more (than 2) such mistakes in your code.
Note2: did I something bad (when I didn't tell him to learn his tools and try some debugging) ?

Re: IDT problems

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:54 pm
by josephks
Thanks, that solved the problem and also little modification in the exception creation code in kernel main(changed the variable[a] type to volatile, otherwise compiler is optimizing it ).