I'm working in my own USB stack, and one component in it is uhci.
All seems ok, detection of port connection, register access, and so on.
But I can not get successful USB transfers yet.
Got a log of a QH-TDs chain, and I can not see anything wrong.
I'm getting the next QH and TDs, pls does anybody may check?
Note: "this" below is a 32 bit device address, the 64 bit values has nothing to do
with the chain, are just memory addresses in my 64bit OS. My PCI USB controller
is a VIA VT6212.
Code: Select all
1435:------------------ CHAIN DUMP-------------------------------------
1438: QH: 0xa8000000df1c3900 <--64 bit address, device can not see this
1440: link: 0x00000001 <--last one
1442: element: 0x40023980 <---at first this pointed to the first TD at 0x40023940, but controller updated it
1444: this: 0x40023900 <--this QH 32 bit device address, device can't see this
1450: TD[0]: 0xa8000000df1c3940 <--64 bit address, device can not see this
1452: link: 0x40023980 <--next TD address
1454: status: 0x1c000007 <---got 8 bits transferred successfully!!!
1456: token: 0x00e0002d <---and that is all, no more data, remaining TD is intact
1458: buffer: 0x40023b00 <---buffer pointer, below is the buffer content
1460: this: 0x40023940 <---this TD 32 bit device address, device can't see this
1450: TD[1]: 0xa8000000df1c3980 <---this TD remains intact
1452: link: 0x400239c0
1454: status: 0x1c800000 <--has been not processed yet
1456: token: 0x00e80069
1458: buffer: 0x40023b20
1460: this: 0x40023980
1450: TD[2]: 0xa8000000df1c39c0 <--last TD, intact also
1452: link: 0x00000001
1454: status: 0x1d800000
1456: token: 0xffe800e1
1458: buffer: 0x00000000
1460: this: 0x400239c0
1467: BUF0: 0xa8000000df1c3b00,0x40023b00 <---- buffer of the first TD, with 64 and 32 bit addresses
-------- ------------ ----
[0x0000] [0x80060001] <---simple get descriptor 8 command
[0x0001] [0x00000800]
[0x0002] [0x00000000]
[0x0003] [0x00000000]
1467: BUF1: 0xa8000000df1c3b20,0x40023b20
-------- ------------ ----
[0x0000] [0x00000000] <---- data buffer of the second TD
[0x0001] [0x00000000]
[0x0002] [0x00000000]
[0x0003] [0x00000000]
I've been double checking all and testing but no transfer are possible!!
Pls help!! What am I doing wrong?