You can read Intel/AMD cpu docs and instruction set reference manuals (note: AMD docs are much better written). If you are looking for examples, you can read source code of:
+ KVM - tenths of thousands lines, very hard to start understanding this but it seems that small important details can be found only here
+ Palacios - pile of ####, to be honest; it was written for study/research purpose but it's also a good side: it's rather easy to start studying those source files
+ - it's description seems to be good but I didn't test this soft myself
+ ... rogrammers - really simple tutorial for beginners (I mean "for beginners in VT", you still should be an advanced osdever to start this things), I like it very much.
+ - google suggested me this thing and it seems to be nice but i didn't test it myself.
But, please, study manuals carefully before trying to do smth, especially before asking questions. Good luck.