Plz help me, my first kernel doent work
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:00 pm
i have written my first simple kernel for x86 real mode using assembly language and C, but it doent work i will be thankful if u can help
it consists of two files kernel1.asm,kernel2.c
it is intended that kernel1.asm starts first,
;;kernel1.asm written for TASM
stack_seg segment stack 'stack'
db 64 dup(?)
stack_seg ends
_text segment 'code'
assume cs:_text,ds:_data,ss:stack_seg
extrn _main:far
mov ah,0Eh ;display prompt
mov al,[prompt]
int 10h
call _main ;call a C function
_getch proc far ;a proc to get character
mov ah,10h
int 10h
_getch endp
_putc proc far ;a proc to print a character
push bp
mav bp,sp
mov ah,0Eh
mov al,[bp+6]
int 10h
pop bp
_putc endp
_text ends
_data segment 'data'
prompt db '$'
_data ends
end start
;;end of kernel1.asm
extern char getch();
extern void putc(char c);
char getche() ;get character and echo
char c=getch();
return c;
void main()
char c;
while(c!='\n' && c!='\r')
//end of kernel2.c
########steps for building####################
tasm kernel1.asm
tcc -B -c kernel2.c
tlink kernel1.obj kernel2.obj, kernel.exe
i have used a binary editor to remove the exe header from the kernel.exe and moved it to a boot floppy that starts up the file
I have got just the prompt $ and then the system stopped responding,the cursor disappeared.
it consists of two files kernel1.asm,kernel2.c
it is intended that kernel1.asm starts first,
;;kernel1.asm written for TASM
stack_seg segment stack 'stack'
db 64 dup(?)
stack_seg ends
_text segment 'code'
assume cs:_text,ds:_data,ss:stack_seg
extrn _main:far
mov ah,0Eh ;display prompt
mov al,[prompt]
int 10h
call _main ;call a C function
_getch proc far ;a proc to get character
mov ah,10h
int 10h
_getch endp
_putc proc far ;a proc to print a character
push bp
mav bp,sp
mov ah,0Eh
mov al,[bp+6]
int 10h
pop bp
_putc endp
_text ends
_data segment 'data'
prompt db '$'
_data ends
end start
;;end of kernel1.asm
extern char getch();
extern void putc(char c);
char getche() ;get character and echo
char c=getch();
return c;
void main()
char c;
while(c!='\n' && c!='\r')
//end of kernel2.c
########steps for building####################
tasm kernel1.asm
tcc -B -c kernel2.c
tlink kernel1.obj kernel2.obj, kernel.exe
i have used a binary editor to remove the exe header from the kernel.exe and moved it to a boot floppy that starts up the file
I have got just the prompt $ and then the system stopped responding,the cursor disappeared.