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Reading fat entry

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 11:00 pm
Hi, I did a Procedure in borland pascal that read´s a dir of floppy drive
it´s working I can list all files and everything! but I have a problem I don´t know how can I link the DIR_FstClusLO bytes 26, 27 in directory entry but I don´t know how do I link this value to fat table! example it´s return for example 1013 when I start to find this cluster to list the content´s of I cannot find the correct value I was trying to add a 31 to that value 1013 + 31 = 1044 <- this value is correct! when I load the sector with this value I can look at contents of this file! please ! I was trying to find some source code anything! I´m losting ! any Idea? Please!