FAT 12 support.

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FAT 12 support.

Post by IndianaJones »

Hi. I am working on my own OS, but I've hit a snag. I can't seem to get any code to work that loads a program into memory using the FAT on a FAT 12 disk. The code works fine in my bootloader, but not in the kernel. Any help would be appreciated. Thank You.

Sorry. I was not very specific.

Post by IndianaJones »

I am writing this OS in ASM, and the OS runs in Real Mode, so I'm using BIOS interups.

RE:Sorry. I was not very specific.

Post by Lont »

I assume that you load the kernel in your bootloader also with BIOS int's? I suggest trying to load your kernel with your kernel and looking at the diffrences with the load proces of your bootloader...

Or look at the diffrences between your bootloader code and your kernel code.


RE:Sorry. I was not very specific.

Post by ASHLEY4 »

Or take a look at this program "bootprog.zip" you can get it from here:   http://alexfru.chat.ru/epm.html

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