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D Barebones for x64

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:21 pm
by henriavelabarbe
first I want to thank everybody here for the precious information made available.
I just started some personal project and looked at the D barebones on the wiki.
Crossing that with Xomb wiki, I now have a barebone D kernel executing on X86_64 and compiled by ldc2 (llvm D compiler).
I would like to add the information on the wiki, so I just registered and joined the wiki group.
Should I edit the existing page, adding the instructions at the end of the page or should I create a new page ?


Re: D Barebones for x64

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:27 pm
by AJ

The best thing to do is probably to create a new page under your username in the wiki. Once the page is "complete" (or as complete as wiki pages ever get...), see whether you think it fits in with the current page and merge it if so. Once you have a page created under your user space, you could always come back and ask the same question again. My feeling is that with a different environment / compiler, probably a new page will be in order anyway.


Re: D Barebones for x64

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 1:33 pm
by henriavelabarbe
Ok, here is the page : ... _with_ldc2
The information is a mix from the existing page on osdev and XomB.
I just edited some files and included the ldc2 instructions.


Re: D Barebones for x64

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 12:35 pm
by Columbus
I'll try to rewrite the commands, so they'll work with GDC,
I linked your site to the D Bare Bone Tutorial.