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Problem receiving data with Broadcom

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 4:08 am
by kosmisk
Hi again, i am trying to make a Broadcom driver, so i decided to use the
BCM57XX Programmer's Guide manual for this purpose.
My strategy was to only use the most important registers - not the optional and many others.
But so far i cant receive anything and i really dont know whats wrong,
have i forgot some registers?
or have i give them wrong value?
very difficult questions maybe, if one not reads the manual.
however, here is the code:

Code: Select all


    push ds
    push es
    push fs
    push gs

    mov ax, 0x10
    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax
    mov fs, ax
    mov gs, ax

	;Acknowledge interrupt. Write a nonzero value (i.e., value = 1) to the interrupt mailbox 0
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x200 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0xffffffff
	;Read and save the value of the Status Tag field of the Status Block
	mov eax, [status_block + 4]		;save the status tag	
	push eax	

	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x280 			;Receive BD Return Ring 1 Consumer Index in mailbox
	mov eax, dword [ebx]
	mov ebx, [status_block+0]
	cmp ebx, 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
	je .action
	jmp .end
	;Clear the Updated bit of the status word
	mov dword [status_block+0], 0x0
	;Check for RX traffic.
	;Loop through enabled RX Return Rings (1 to 16).
	;Check for difference between RX Return Ring Producer index (Status block) and RX Return Ring Consumer index
	;(value written to mailbox on previous call) are the number of frames to process for RX Return Ring.
	mov ecx, [status_block+18]		;RX Return Ring Producer index (Status block)
	sub ecx, eax ; ??? difference?
	;process packet!
	mov eax, dword [recieve_buffer_returnring + ecx]

	dec ecx
	cmp ecx, 0
	jnz .loopindexrec
	;Compare the current value of the Status Tag to the saved value of the Status Tag
	mov edx, [status_block + 4]
	pop eax
	push eax
	cmp eax, edx
	jne .equal
	jmp .end
	;Update the RX Return Ring consumer pointer in each mailbox for new RX frames.
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x280 			;Receive BD Return Ring 1 Consumer Index in mailbox
	mov eax, dword [ebx]
	jmp .update		;Check the Updated bit in the status word

	pop eax
	;Enable interrupts
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x200 ;  
	shl eax, 24
	;and eax, 0xff000000
	mov dword [ebx], eax

	mov al, 0x20
    mov dx, 0xA0
	out dx, al    ;clear the irq so we can get more interupts 

	mov al, 0x20	
	mov dx, 0x20
	out dx, al    ;clear the irq so we can get more interupts           
	pop gs
    pop fs
    pop es
    pop ds


Code: Select all

section .bss
[bits 32]

status_block: resb 80

recieve_buffer_stdring: resb 6000
recieve_buffer_returnring: resb 6000
section .text

	;Set the Enable bit in the Memory Arbiter Mode register
	mov edx, 0x145000
	add edx, 0x4000
	mov dword [edx], 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
	;Enable MAC memory space decode and bus mastering
	mov edx, 0x145000
	add edx, 0x04
	mov word [edx], 0b0000000000000110
	;Set the Enable bit in the Memory Arbiter Mode register
	mov edx, 0x145000
	add edx, 0x4000
	mov dword [edx], 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
	;Enable the PCI State register and Enable the PCI Clock Control register 
	mov edx, 0x145000
	add edx, 0x68
	mov dword [edx], 0b00000000000000000000000000110000
	;Initialize the Ethernet MAC Mode register 
	mov edx, 0x145000
	add edx, 0x400
	mov dword [edx], 0x00000000
	;Set the default PCI Command Encoding for Read/Write Transactions
	mov edx, 0x145000
	add edx, 0x6c
	mov dword [edx], 0b11111111001111110000000000000000		
	;Configure the host-based send rings
	mov edx, 0x145000
	add edx, 0x6800
	mov dword [edx], 0b00000000000000100000000000000000
	;Indicate Driver is ready to RX traffic. Set the Host_Stack_Up bit in the General Mode Control register
	mov edx, 0x145000
	add edx, 0x6800
	mov dword [edx], 0b00000000000000010000000000000000
	;Enable the buffer manager
	mov edx, 0x145000
	add edx, 0x4400
	mov dword [edx], 0b00000000000000000000000000000110
	;Enable internal hardware queues.
	mov edx, 0x145000
	add edx, 0x5c00
	mov dword [edx], 0xffffffff
	mov edx, 0x145000
	add edx, 0x5c00
	mov dword [edx], 0x00000000
	;Initialize the Standard Receive Buffer Ring	
	mov edx, 0x145000
	add edx, 0x2450
	mov dword [edx], recieve_buffer_stdring

	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x2458 ; Max_Length 
	mov eax, 0x600
	shl eax, 16 ; shift 16 bits to left
	mov dword [ebx], eax

	mov edx, 0x145000
	add edx, 0x2C18
	mov dword [edx], 0
	;Initialize send producer index registers in mailbox
	mov edx, 0x145000
	add edx, 0x380
	mov dword [edx], 0x00000000
	;Initialize send rings.
	mov edx, 0x145000	;NIC Ring Address = 0x4000 + (Ring_Number * sizeof(Send_Buffer_Descriptor) *NO_BDS_IN_RING) / 4
	add edx, 0x100
	mov eax, 0x4000
	add eax, 0x400	
	mov dword [edx],eax     ;0x4000 + ((1*32*128)/4	
	;Initialize Receive Return Rings. The Receive Return RCBs are located in the Miscellaneous Memory region from 0x200 to 0x2FF
	mov edx, 0x145000
	add edx, 0x280
	mov dword [edx],recieve_buffer_returnring 
	mov edx, 0x145000
	add edx, 0x245C
	mov dword [edx], 0x00000000
	;Initialize the Receive Producer Ring mailbox registers
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x268 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0b00000000000000000000000000000000	
	;Configure the Message Transfer Unit MTU size.
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x43C ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0x05F2	
	;Configure IPG for transmit
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x464 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0x2620	
	;Configure default RX return ring for non-matched packets
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x500 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0b00000000000000000000000001000000
	;Configure the number of Receive Lists.
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x2010 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0x181
	;Enable RX statistics
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x2014 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
	;Disable the host coalescing engine.
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x3c00 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0x0000
	;Configure the host coalescing tick count.
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x3C08 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 150
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x3c0c ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 150

	;Configure the host coalescing BD count.
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x3C10 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 150
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x3c14 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 150
	;Configure the max-coalesced frames during interrupt counter
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x3C20 ;  
	mov dword [ebx],0
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x3c24 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0
	;Initialize host status block address
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x3c38 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], status_block
	;Enable the host coalescing engine
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x3c00 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
	;Enable the receive BD completion functional block
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x3000 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0b00000000000000000000000000000110
	;Enable the receive list placement functional block. Set the Enable bit in the Receive List Placement Mode register 
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x2000 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
	;Enable and clear statistics. Enable DMA engines.
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x400 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0b00000000011100001101100000000000
	;Configure the General Miscellaneous Local Control register		
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x6808 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
	;Write a value of zero to the Interrupt Mailbox 0 low word for the host standard and flat modes
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add bx, 0x200 ;  
	mov word [bx], 0x0000
	;Configure the Write DMA Mode register
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x4c00 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
	;Configure the Read DMA Mode register
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x4800 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
	;Enable the receive data completion functional block
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x2800 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0b00000000000000000000000000000110
	;Enable the send data completion functional block.
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x1000 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
	;Enable the send BD completion functional block
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x1c00 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0b00000000000000000000000000000110

	;Enable the Receive BD Initiator Functional Block
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x2c00 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0b00000000000000000000000000000110	
	;Set the Enable and Illegal_Return_Ring_Size bits
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x2400 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0b00000000000000000000000000010010	
	;Enable the send data initiator functional block. 
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x0c00 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
	;Enable the send BD initiator functional block.
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x1800 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0b00000000000000000000000000000110
	;Enable the send BD selector functional block.
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x1400 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0b00000000000000000000000000000110
	;Enable the transmit MAC.
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x45c ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
	;Enable the receive MAC	
	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x468 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0b00000000000000000000000000000010

	mov ebx, 0x145000
	add ebx, 0x450 ;  
	mov dword [ebx], 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
	;Setup multicast filters.
	mov edx, 0x145000
	add edx, 0x468
	mov dword [edx], 0b00000000000000000000000100000000	;promisc. mode
	;Enable interrupts. Clear the Mask_PCI_Interrupt_Output bit in 
	mov edx, 0x145000
	add edx, 0x68
	mov dword [edx], 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
	mov edx, 0x145000
	add edx, 0x40c
	mov dword [edx],0xffffffff


Re: Problem receiving data with Broadcom

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:00 pm
by Combuster
My strategy was to only use the most important registers - not the optional and many others.
Without needing a manual, that typically suggests you've probably skipped the less important ones - which are still important for a reason :wink:.

Other than that, I see a bunch of registers that are either undocumented in purpose or otherwise uninitialized, as well as a huge load of magic numbers and other weird or overly elaborate constructs that make it quite impossible to deduct what you're really doing, if it's not just doing something else than what you're expecting. In the current fashion you might be losing the attention of someone whom does have live experience with that chipset.

Actually, a hunch says you're mistaking RAM for the controller.