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I can't jump to the protected mode.Where's the bug?

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:02 am
by titanichj
Bochs showing a bug when I am jumping to the protected mode.

I use boot.asm to load head.bin like this:

Code: Select all

BaseOfLoader		equ	09000h
OffsetOfLoader		equ	0100h
org  07c00h	
jmp	BaseOfLoader:OffsetOfLoader
and I debug boot.bin at 0x9000:0x100,that is really point to head.asm:

Code: Select all

%include ""

BaseOfLoader	equ	09000h		;
BasePhyAddr	equ	BaseOfLoader*10h+0100h

LABEL_GDT:		Descriptor	0,	0,			0					; null gdt
LABEL_DESC_CR:	Descriptor	0,	0fffffh,	PST_C  + F_D	; read-only code segment 
LABEL_DESC_DRW:	Descriptor	0,	0fffffh,	PST_D_W + F_G + F_D	; writeable data segment
LABEL_DESC_VEDIO:	Descriptor	0B8000h,	0fffffh,	PST_D_W + F_G + F_D	; vedio segment

;set lgdt operand
GdtLen	equ	$ - LABEL_GDT
GdtPtr	dw	GdtLen - 1
		dd	BasePhyAddr + LABEL_GDT 	
;set segment seletor


	mov	ax, 0B800h
	mov	gs, ax
	mov	ah, 0Fh						
	mov	al, 'J'
	mov	bx, ax
	mov	[gs:((80 * 0 + 20) * 2)], bx	

;-----Initialize hardware environment----

	xor eax, eax
	lgdt	[GdtPtr]		

	in	al,0x92		
	or	al,00000010b	
	out	0x92,al		
	xor	eax, eax
	mov	eax, cr0		
	or	eax, 1
	mov	cr0, eax
	xor	eax, eax
	mov	ax, cs
	shl	eax, 4
	add	eax, LABEL_PM_START
	mov	word [LABEL_DESC_CR + 2], ax
	shr	eax, 16
	mov	byte [LABEL_DESC_CR + 4], al
	mov	byte [LABEL_DESC_CR + 7], ah

	jmp	dword Selector_C:0		


	mov	ax,	Selector_V
	mov	gs, ax
	mov	ah, 0Ch						
	mov	al, 'M'
	mov	[gs:((80 * 7 + 40) * 2)], ax	

	jmp	$								


Code: Select all

F_G		equ	8000h			;Page size 4KB units

;---D/B:Default Operation Size (0=16-bit segment; 1=32-bit segment)
F_D		equ	4000h			;32-bit segment

;---L:64-bit code segment(IA-32e mode only)

;---AVL:Available for use by system software(or reserved)

;---P:Segment present(always 1)
;---S:Descriptor type(0=system; 1=code or data)
;---Type:Segment type
;--------D:Data segment
;--------C:Code segment
;--------S:System descriptor
PST_D		equ	90h
PST_D_A		equ	91h
PST_D_W		equ	92h
PST_D_WA	equ	93h
PST_D_E		equ	94h
PST_D_EA	equ	95h
PST_D_EW	equ	96h
PST_D_EWA	equ	97h
PST_C		equ	98h
PST_C_A		equ	99h
PST_C_R		equ	9Ah
PST_C_RA	equ	9Bh
PST_C_C		equ	9Ch
PST_C_CA	equ	9Dh
PST_C_CR	equ	9Eh
PST_C_CRA	equ	9Fh

PST_S_LDT		equ	82h
PST_S_TaskGate	equ	85h
PST_S_TSS		equ	89h
PST_S_CallGate	equ	8Ch
PST_S_IntGate	equ	8Eh
PST_S_TrapGate	equ	8Fh

F_DPL0	equ	00h
F_DPL1	equ	20h
F_DPL2	equ	40h
F_DPL3	equ	80h

;---Usage: Descriptor Base, Limit ,Attr
;---Base: dd
;---Limit: dd (lower 20 bytes available)
;---Attr: dw (lower 4 bits of higher byte are zero)
%macro Descriptor 3
	dw	%2 & 0FFFFh				;Limit(0-15)
	dw	%1 & 0FFFFh				;Base(0-15)
	db	(%1 >> 16) & 0FFh		;Base(16-23)
	dw	((%2 >> 8) & 0F00h) | (%3 & 0F0FFh)			;Limit(16-19) + Attr
	db	(%1 >> 24) & 0FFh		;Base(24-31)
the problem came at the row jmp dword Selector_C:0 in head.asm, bochsdbg tell gate type 0 unsupported.
What's the bug in my code?
Thank you!!!!!

Re: I can't jump to the protected mode.Where's the bug?

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:01 pm
by Combuster
titanichj wrote:the problem came at the row <unreadable due to colours> in head.asm, bochsdbg tell gate type 0 unsupported.
And the errors before that?

Re: I can't jump to the protected mode.Where's the bug?

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 6:35 pm
by titanichj
There seems no error before the far jmp instruction.Bochdbg can execute the instrution well before the far jmp.
Combuster wrote:
titanichj wrote:the problem came at the row <unreadable due to colours> in head.asm, bochsdbg tell gate type 0 unsupported.
And the errors before that?