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Time again
Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 11:00 pm
by Gor
I need time, didnt managed to fix it... I want the local time (or something, just some kinda time from the RTC)..this is what I got:
char hours = in(0x71);
char minutes = in(0x71);
char seconds = in(0x71);
what do I need to convert this into time,and how do I do it?
RE:Time again
Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 11:00 pm
This is how i converted it in asm.
; bcd_to_ASCII ;converts bcd number to ASCII ;
; ;
; Input: ;
; Bcd number in al. ;
; Output: ;
; ASCII number in val. ;
; (100%) ;
pusha ;start of convert
mov ah,al ;copy AL to AH
and ax,0f00fh ;mask bits
mov cl,4 ;CL=04 for shift
shr ah,cl ;shift right AH to get unpacked BCD
or ax, 3030h ;combine with 30 to get ASCII
xchg ah,al ;swap for ASCII storage convention
mov [val],ax ;store the ASCII value in VAL
Let me know if you want all the code.
RE:Time again
Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 11:00 pm
by Gor
but how to do it in C? Just cant get it right even though I use the same operations..or how do I send the [val] adress to the ASM function?