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NASM Error

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:38 pm
by ChosenOreo
I followed a few different OSDev Tutorials and pieced together a working "semi-kernel" (only up to GDT - no IDT yet...) a few days back and today, I went to re-assemble it and I notice that the output file is 5 bytes larger and it triple faults with a GDT error in Bochs. I had one copy of the source on a flash drive, and one copy on my HDD. I tried to assemble both and found that the file was still 5 bytes larger. Is there any way I can verify if nasm is causing the problem, or if both sets of the source code are messed up?

Re: NASM Error

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:12 pm
by AndrewBuckley
did you change nasm in any way? in my experience nasm is very consistent and so the tool is probably not to blame. I would highly recommend a quick crash course in git version control. use git liberally to save your stuff and use tig to view the history.