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Everything stay in same segment and the code run at ORG $7C00. But when I change .Buffer_Off, .Buffer_Seg and .BufferSize to 0, it works and return PXE_EXIT_SUCCESS. Anyone knows about this problem? Also, I running it on ASRock P4i45GV with RTL8139 onboard.
The PXE Entry Point uses the Pascal calling convention - push the parameters on the stack, far call the entry point, clean up the stack - while the older PXENV+ Entry Point uses registers.
I don't know if that's the cause of your problem but it's better to check.
> .BufferSize to 0, it works
What do you mean when you say 'it works' ? As I think, call with buffer size = 0 would return no data.
Then, could you post values of the constants that you use?
Nable wrote:What do you mean when you say 'it works' ?
When I set BufferSize, Buffer_Off and Buffer_Seg to 0, it returned PXENV_EXIT_SUCCESS in AX and the address of bootph was fill into t_PXENV_GET_CACHED_INFO structure.