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GUI programing with C

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 11:00 pm
by Olli
Hi, I have some problems to make GUI.
How os GUI works?
How it create a limited window for console application?
And how I limit app text output space to inside of window?

RE:GUI programing with C

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 11:00 pm
by JAAman
1) a gui is not something that can easily be explained but it is ESENTIAL to have a good, working multitasker first (imho)

2)I'm not going to answer this one now

3)this can be done from the BIOS int 10, but this cannot be used in Pmode or in a GUI:    in a GUI all text is intercepted and converted to graphics according to your chosen system font then it is painted into the window

RE:GUI programing with C

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 11:00 pm
by Olli
Ok, thanks about aswer 3 ;)

RE:GUI programing with C

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 11:00 pm
by Lont
Before you read any further I should warn you: I NEVER WROTE A GUI! Having said that, I have been thinking about writing one for a very very long time. My conclusion is: IT IS DAMN DIFFICULT!

First you need a fully working Kernel with message passing support (in my opinion that is).

My PLAN (in short) for a simple GUI:
-Give every task a little space in memory for the virtual screen. The task can   write it by calling GUI functions (maybe as a shared lib...) To start simpl give every task 1/4 of a text mode screen.
-Let every task register callbacks for mouse and keyboard ints etc etc by the window manager
-Let every task register were the buttons/edit boxes/combo boxes are (So the window manager knows whitch callback to call)
-The Main GUI Task (window manager) should deside wich task is shown where. And what interrupt (keyboard or mouse) should go to which task. And call each callback as is apropiate

That is my plan for a very very simple GUI thingy. Once this works you can go to screens of diffrent sizes/more widgets/true graphics (not text) etc etc