1. What does it mean by 'A stack expands downwards'? Can somebody explain, using concrete memory addresses to me?
A stack is a data structure with two operations only: "push" and "pop". "push" adds another item onto the stack, "pop" removes the last item added. Your question is related to how "push" and "pop" are implemented. Consider these two code fragments:
Code: Select all
int *stack;
void push(int a) {
*stack++ = a;
int pop() {
return *--stack;
Code: Select all
int *stack;
void push(int a) {
*stack-- = a;
int pop() {
return *++stack;
These code fragments do exactly the same job, but in the first the stack expands
upwards - that is, as we push items onto the stack the stack pointer (int *stack) gets
higher. The second expands
downwards, so as you push items to the stack, the stack pointer gets
Most architectures use a downwards expanding stack for several reasons.
2. How is physical memory management done? I think it's something along the lines of simply keeping track of what you can and cannot use, splitting up that memory and passing pointers around?
As with most problems, there are many ways to implement a physical memory manager (stack, bitmap, buddy etc) - each have a set of disadvantages and advantages. The problem of physical memory management itself however is trivially simple: you have a set of "pages" that are free, and a set of pages that are used. Expose an interface such that a user can request a page (that must be free, now mark as used) and return pages (were used, now free).
That is what the function "pmm_alloc_page()" in your code snippet does. It just returns the address of the start of a page in physical memory that was free. It does *not* guarantee that page is accessible (if paging is enabled, it may need to be mapped into the virtual address space before it can be accessed).
3. I mostly get paging… *mostly*. I get the part where there's an address in memory, and you apply these flags to it… Like
Problem: As I understand, pmm_alloc_page() returns a pointer to somewhere in memory. Is this what is going on: pd is somewhere in memory, and in the 1022'th index of that bit of memory, the pointer to the allocated memory is flagged with PAGE_PRESENT and PAGE_WRITE?
pmm_alloc_page() requests a free physical page from the physical memory manager. It returns the address of a free page
in physical memory. That line is saying, in English: "Request a new physical page. OR its address with the "present" and "write-enable" flags, then store that computed value into the 1022'd index of "pd", which is an array of 32-bit integers".
This works, because at the time when that code is run, paging is actually disabled. So physical addresses == virtual addresses. That's why you can write to 'pd' just through a pointer to what would normally be inaccessible physical memory.
How, then, is paged memory managed?
I don't know exactly what you're asking here. A physical memory manager manages the availability of physical pages. A virtual memory manager maps these pages into the virtual address space. You may have another manager to partition up the available virtual address space.
4. What is the heap? (yes, I am clueless.) From what I know, malloc() can use physical memory allocation, however it has no way to be free()'ed. (right?) Whereas once a heap is setup, both malloc() and free() can be used to manage chunks of memory?
A heap sits atop the virtual and physical memory managers. It is given an area of virtual address space to operate in, and will allocate physical pages (using the PMM) to fill that space, mapping them in using the VMM.
It will then use some algorithm to carve that space up into manageable,trackable chunks to give back to callers of "kmalloc" and returning them with "kfree".