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FAT File System
Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 11:00 pm
by deus_the_programmer
Please can somebody help me develop a fat file system driver in ANSI C. To start with i only want to be able to view the files that exsist on a fat 12 formatted floppy disk. any help is greatly appricated. this has to be done without access to dos ints, ie only bios int 13h.
thanks for your help.
RE:FAT File System
Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 11:00 pm
by JAAman
this is easy for FAT12 if you've already got the code to access the disk
CHS = Cylindar(track on FDD), Head, Sector
1st read the bpb (the first sector: 0-0-1 CHS)
2nd locate the root dir:
hidden sectors(usually 0:offset 0x1C in bpb)
+ reserved sectors(usually 1:offset 0x0E)
+ ( FAT copies (usually 2:offset 0x10)
* sectors/FAT (usually 9:offset 0x16)
now you have the root dir LBA address
3rd LBA->CHS
tmp1 = LBA / Sectors/track
S = LBA % Sectors/track
H = tmp1 % #heads(2)
C = tmp1 / #heads
I think this is correct this is from memory
4th read sector
5th take first 11 characters from each 32 bytes -- this is the file name
if first char is 0xE5 then entry deleted skip to next
if first char is 0x05 then first char is 0xE5
if first char is 0xE2 ( period) then entry is subdirectory
if second char is also 0xE2 then entry is parent dir (not
valid for root dir)
if first char is 0x00 then no entries exist past this point so END
add 1 to LBA and GOTO 3rd step if not past max root entries ( offset 0x11 in bpb
usually 512)
sub dirs are a little different since they are essentially files and exist in the FAT tables
RE:FAT File System
Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 11:00 pm
by JAAman
oops sorry I forgot:
step 3 after done you must add 1 to Sector# because LBA starts at 0 and Sector# starts at 1
RE:FAT File System
Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 11:00 pm
by deus_the_programmer
I dont have any code at the moment can someone help me write some code?
RE:FAT File System
Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 11:00 pm
by Guest