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Loading Kernel from CDROM

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 11:00 pm
by kan
i want to load my kernel from cdrom in bochs. for this i want to write grub to cdrom and from there load my kernel at runtime. so what can i make my cd bootable (grub). so everytime i compile my kernel with new features i will just have to write my new kernel file to cdrom, keeping everything else intact.
apart from this, how does bochs support x86-64? Can it fully emulate AMD64? how much work is still remaining? can i boot live linux x86-64 from bochs?
lastly i have amd athlon 1400+ processor. what will be the approximate IPS for it?

Re: Loading Kernel from CDROM

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 11:00 pm
by carbonBased
I can't speak for bochs, but qemu supports x86-64 ( I haven't actually tried out its support yet.

As per GRUB on CDROM... a simply google search for 'grub on cdrom' yeilding the following (first!) link: ... 00052.html umong several others...
