how do I pass as referance a bidimansional array ata function?
int a[1][2];
void f(int **b);
doesnt work ! type mismatch.
-i found this way ...
struct c
int *p[2];
} array;
voit initNewType()
array.p[0] = &(a[0][0]);
array.p[1] = &(a[0][1]);
void f(c *value)
{ //how do i move the array index thru the bidimansioal array?????
*((*value).p[i]+j); //value at a[j][i]....but there 's a mistake someone can help me?
//there's a simpler solution instead that using this mess?
{ f(&array);
///there's a esyer way to pass by referance a duble array?
if you emailme to i'll really apprciate it!
PASSINAG A bidimansional array at a function
RE:PASSINAG A bidimansional array at a function
um... this should work:
void f(int b[3][4])
{ int x=b[1][2];
void main()
{ int a[3][4];
well, you're limited to a fixed size.
if you don't want that, use a one-dimensional array an pass it's size as well.
void f(int b[], int width) //width -> number of elements in a row, the first index
{ int x=b[1*width+2]; //access the same element as above
void main()
{ int a[3*4];
hope it helped;
greets, hartyl
void f(int b[3][4])
{ int x=b[1][2];
void main()
{ int a[3][4];
well, you're limited to a fixed size.
if you don't want that, use a one-dimensional array an pass it's size as well.
void f(int b[], int width) //width -> number of elements in a row, the first index
{ int x=b[1*width+2]; //access the same element as above
void main()
{ int a[3*4];
hope it helped;
greets, hartyl