Running Mikeos on a *real* 8086
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:53 pm
Hey there, this is my first post here. I am the proud owner of an Olivetti M24 [8086 CPU, 640k RAM, 20Mb HDD] and I'd like to run Mikeos on it. Too bad its 3.5" drive can't read anything above 720K floppies, hence I have to modify the bootloader according to 720K specs. Original bootloader as follows:
Too bad I'um unable to find the correct values for a 720K floppy.. I tried 1440 for LogicalSectors, 9 for SectorsPerTrack and F9 for MediumByte and I've basically destroyed the FAT
Any help?
Code: Select all
; Values are those used by IBM for 1.44 MB, 3.5" diskette
24 OEMLabel db "MIKEBOOT" ; Disk label
25 BytesPerSector dw 512 ; Bytes per sector
26 SectorsPerCluster db 1 ; Sectors per cluster
27 ReservedForBoot dw 1 ; Reserved sectors for boot record
28 NumberOfFats db 2 ; Number of copies of the FAT
29 RootDirEntries dw 224 ; Number of entries in root dir
30 ; (224 * 32 = 7168 = 14 sectors to read)
31 LogicalSectors dw 2880 ; Number of logical sectors
32 MediumByte db 0F0h ; Medium descriptor byte
33 SectorsPerFat dw 9 ; Sectors per FAT
34 SectorsPerTrack dw 18 ; Sectors per track (36/cylinder)
35 Sides dw 2 ; Number of sides/heads
36 HiddenSectors dd 0 ; Number of hidden sectors
37 LargeSectors dd 0 ; Number of LBA sectors
38 DriveNo dw 0 ; Drive No: 0
39 Signature db 41 ; Drive signature: 41 for floppy
40 VolumeID dd 00000000h ; Volume ID: any number
41 VolumeLabel db "MIKEOS "; Volume Label: any 11 chars
42 FileSystem db "FAT12 " ; File system type: don't change!
Any help?