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Problem with int 13h

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 11:00 pm
by Kein
Ive been working on my own simple OS for a while now, and i was using a simple bootloader that read data from a floppy using in 13h.  Up until a little while ago, my kernel was < 32 sectors in size, and i was using one read of 20h(32) sectors with int 13h to read.  Once my kernel's size got over 32 sectors, i tried to increase the number of sectors read, and now all my os dose is crash or hang right after the read call (I know its right after the read call because my os would useually go into a vga mode directly after the floppy read, and now it hadngs without doing so)  Any help would be greatly appreciated

RE:Problem with int 13h

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 11:00 pm
by EyeScream
If I'm not mistaken, there's a limit on the amount of sectors read at one time. Take a look at Ralf Brown's interrupt list, I'm sure it's written there.

Just read in blocks of 32 sectors, that'll fix the problem, I think.