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ISA Expansion Boards Error

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:00 pm
by KernelDeveloper
I am not getting the converted data from the ISA Expansion Board
My code goes like this.

Code: Select all

int read_isa_status()
   return inport(0x0304) & 0x0001;
int read_isabus_exp16()
     int state, data;
          state = read_isa_status();
      data = inport(0x0302) >> 4;
      return data;

I am actually supposed to get converted data in the variable data.If i print the value of the data on the screen , i get 000000 always.I hav coded according to the mannual (datasheet).

My steps are:
#Apply start of conversion pulse to R/C# line
#Get the status signal and loop
#Read the converted data from the board

Re: ISA Expansion Boards Error

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 11:21 am
by LindusSystem
Providing more info will help us help you and whats wrong with your code, it works for me but I get random data but not 00000.
What emulator are you using?
Did you test on real hardware?