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Simple os script for developing

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:20 pm
by Sam111
I just wrote a convenient bash script that anybody on a linux/unix based system my find useful you may want to add it to the eltorieto bootable cd/dvd tutorial for osdev
located at ... RUB_Legacy

Currently this program only creates boot cd/dvds so you can use it to simple build your os to test on virtual machines like virtualbox quickly.

Later I am probably going to add functionality so you can create virtual HDD images , virtual floppies images , usb images ,...etc

Let me know how you like it by posting to this thread
Please let me know of any problems or ways you think it can improve the easy of use,..etc
Thanks and enjoy

Code: Select all


#  This is I simple bash script that will allow the OS developer
#  To create bootable media ,floppy, cds ,dvds ,virtual HDD ,...etc with their OS kernel and other files/folders
#  That the OS developer wants to create for testing on a virtual machine such as virtualPC ,
#  boches , virtualbox , vmware ,...etc
#  Copyright General Public (No Restrictions)
#  This program is under the general public liciense so you can do whatever you want with it
#  no restrictions
#  written by motherbrain aka. blackbox
#  warning the author takes no responsiblity for this script

#  Program Name is
#  you should name it this although any name will work inconsistences with some of the help menus or
#  display messages would occur
#  make sure to stay consistent name this  file/code osbuild
#  Also note: that this program must be set to executable using chmod or whatever less you choose to use for making a file executable
#  run as either ./osbuild [options]...parameters or if not made executable bash osbuild [options]... parameters
#  Remember bash must be installed to use this program obviously.
#  TYPE osbuild --help to get help in useing	 

if [ $1 == "--help" ]; then
   echo ""   
   echo "osbuild is a simple bash script that allows you to make a bootable iso image with your kernel"
   echo "**********************************************************************************"
   echo "osbuild options are "
   echo "--help to display this help menu"
   echo "--purge isodir to remove the iso directory and iso file create by osbuild"
   echo "or osbuild btitle kernel cdtitle kdir"
   echo "where btitle = grub boot menu title (this is what is displayed on the boot menu list at boot time)"
   echo "where kernel = the name of your kernel file"
   echo "where cdtitle = the name of the bootable iso image"
   echo "where kdir = the \"ABSOLUTE PATH\" of the directory where your kernel file exists"
   echo "only forms of the osbuild command that works are"
   echo "bash osbuild --help"
   echo "bash osbuild --purge isodir"
   echo "bash osbuild btitle kernel cdtitle kdir "
   echo "if you do not have one of these forms then osbuild will not work"
   echo ""
   echo "please also note /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/stage2_eltorito must exist on your machine"
   echo "and genisoimage must be installed/in your PATH var"
   echo "**********************************************************************************"
   echo "" 


# executed if you want to do a clean osbuild from scratch again
if [ $1 == "--purge" ]; then
   if [ "$2" != "" ]; then
     if [ -e $2 ]; then
     rm -r "$2"
     if [ -e "$2.iso" ]; then 
     rm -r "$2.iso"
     echo "purge completed"
     echo "could not find the directory $2 so nothing had to be purged"
   echo "nothing had to be purged"

#check to see if the depending genisoimage program is installed 
if [ ! $(type -P genisoimage) > /dev/null ];  then
echo "you currently do not have genisoimage installed this script requires this to be installed"
echo "would you like to install it 1 for yes anything else for no"
read choice
if [ "$choice" == "1" ]; then
sudo apt-get install genisoimage
echo "genisoimage is installed now thank you"
echo "genisoimage won't be installed you will have to do it at a later time before you can use this program"

#check to see that the depending file /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/stage2_eltorito exists
if [ ! -e /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/stage2_eltorito ]; then
echo "*************************************************************************"
echo "you don't currently have file /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/stage2_eltorito"
echo "you may need to install grub try \"sudo apt-get install grub\" first "
echo "If that doesn't work please google and find a copy of stage2_eltorito and places it in /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/"
echo "if /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/ does not exist to place stage2_eltorito in , then you will have to create it you will need to be sudo to do so"
echo "please do this first before using this program!"
echo "*************************************************************************"
echo ""

#add here any directories/files you want to copy to the new iso
if [ ! -e cdFoldersAndFiles ]; then
mkdir cdFoldersAndFiles
echo "cdFoldersAndFiles must have either been deleted or this is your first time running this program"
echo "Remember to copy all additional folders and files you want to include on the iso image into the cdFoldersAndFiles directory"
echo "This cdFoldersAndFiles directory is manual created for the programmer to add additional folders and files to the iso image if he needs to"
echo "Also note that this created folder is not deleted using purge or any other means meaning you have to manual delete it"
echo "With rm -r cdFoldersAndFiles but then again I am over killing this for an OS developer like yourselfs"
echo "The folder cdFoldersAndFiles itself is not copied to the iso image just whats contained in it"
echo "So if you ignore it or don't use it then their will be no additional stuff on the iso image other then the grub boot files and your kernel file"

echo -e "Press any Key to Continue after you are done copying files to cdFoldersAndFiles"
read tmp
echo ""

#OS Build Variables

if [ "$OS_BOOT_TITLE" == "" -o "$OS_KERNEL_FILE" == "" -o "$CD_DVD_TITLE" == "" -o "$KERNEL_DIR" == ""  ]; then

echo "***********************************************************************************"
echo "must provide 4 parameters whitespaced delimited "
echo "first parameter is the boot title name on the grub menu list when booting your os"
echo "second parameter is the name of your kernel file"
echo "third parameter is the name of your cd/dvd iso"
echo "forth parameter is the absolute path of where your kernel is in"
echo "***********************************************************************************"

#creating iso image structure
if [ ! -e $CD_DVD_TITLE ]; then
mkdir ./$CD_DVD_TITLE
mkdir ./$CD_DVD_TITLE/boot
mkdir ./$CD_DVD_TITLE/boot/grub

if [ ! -e $CD_DVD_TITLE/boot ]; then
mkdir $CD_DVD_TITLE/boot
mkdir $CD_DVD_TITLE/boot/grub

if [ ! -e $CD_DVD_TITLE/boot/grub ]; then
mkdir $CD_DVD_TITLE/boot/grub

#write menu.lst file

if [ -e $CD_DVD_TITLE/boot/grub/menu.lst ]; then
rm -r $CD_DVD_TITLE/boot/grub/menu.lst

echo "default 0" >> $CD_DVD_TITLE/boot/grub/menu.lst
echo "#timeout 30" >> $CD_DVD_TITLE/boot/grub/menu.lst
echo "\n" >> $CD_DVD_TITLE/boot/grub/menu.lst
echo "#title Boot from hard disk" >> $CD_DVD_TITLE/boot/grub/menu.lst
echo "#chainloader (hd0)+1" >> $CD_DVD_TITLE/boot/grub/menu.lst
echo "title $OS_BOOT_TITLE" >> $CD_DVD_TITLE/boot/grub/menu.lst
echo "kernel /boot/$OS_KERNEL_FILE    # Edit it to the filename of your kernel." >> $CD_DVD_TITLE/boot/grub/menu.lst

if [ ! -e $CD_DVD_TITLE/boot/grub/stage2_eltorito ]; then
cp /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/stage2_eltorito  $CD_DVD_TITLE/boot/grub/

#add kernel to CD/DVD image 
cp $KERNEL_DIR/$OS_KERNEL_FILE $CD_DVD_TITLE/boot/ > /dev/null
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
echo -e "\e[00;31mUnable to copy your kernel to iso absolute directory $KERNEL_DIR does not exist or kernel file $OS_KERNEL_FILE is not in $KERNEL_DIR\e[00m"
echo -e "\e[00;31mPlease correct this before going any further and rerun this program\e[00m"
echo -e "\e[00;31mPlease Note: KERNEL_DIR must not contain any ending / and your kernel file must not begin with / \e[00m"
echo -e "\e[00;31mYou inputed for your KERNEL_DIR=$KERNEL_DIR and OS_KERNEL_FILE=$OS_KERNEL_FILE\e[00m"
echo -e "\e[00;31mcp $KERNEL_DIR/$OS_KERNEL_FILE $CD_DVD_TITLE/boot/ failed\e[00m"
echo -e "\e[00;31mFix this first and rerun the program\e[00m"

if [ "$(ls -A cdFoldersAndFiles)" ]; then
    cp -r cdFoldersAndFiles/* -t "$CD_DVD_TITLE" > /dev/null

#create bootable cd/dvd 
genisoimage -R -b boot/grub/stage2_eltorito -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o "$CD_DVD_TITLE.iso" "$CD_DVD_TITLE"

echo -e "\e[01;32miso image is built and ready for testing!\e[00m"
echo -e "\e[01;32mGood Luck with your OS development\e[00m"
echo ""
echo -e "\e[01;32m   \\ /  \e[00m"
echo -e "\e[01;32m  (000) \e[00m"
echo -e "\e[01;32m   \\ /  \e[00m"
echo -e "\e[01;32m    U   \e[00m"
echo -e "\e[01;32m   / \\ \e[00m"
echo -e "\e[01;32m  Alien Power :) \e[00m"

Re: Simple os script for developing

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:43 pm
by Sam111
I suppose your right but
Their are alot of ways to make this smaller
But I was trying to get it so anybody could use it and if they got an error then it would easily be fixable. By display messages (makeing it dummy proof)

In any case I figured I would share.
I see your script do that and a few extra things in alot less.

I am not so concerned about the size of my file though.
I think I will be putting in at the end away to not only build the images for the virtual machines but also run the virtual machine as well with the image as the last step.

Freeing up the user to have to setup the virtual machine or the virtual machine with the os image.

As well as providing a simple way to down load an emulator for each arch to test it for different archs

Provided of course you compile your kernel with a cross compiler for a specific arch.

Question curious won't grub have to be recompiled if you want to use grub for your bootloader for a specfic virtual machine that is not x86/64?

I would think so.
So I would also have to have a cross compiler as well as recompile grubs stage1,2, eltorito ,...etc for all the arch's

Correct me if I am wrong

Re: Simple os script for developing

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:40 pm
by piranha
If they encounter an error they should be able to know/figure out how to fix it without the hand-holding of a useless script...especially the problems that this script checks for.


Re: Simple os script for developing

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:35 pm
by Brynet-Inc
Ah, yes, yet another pointless shell script that incorrectly assumes bash is installed in /bin, if even at all.

What's the point of this? Surely the target audience can RTFM?

Re: Simple os script for developing

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:52 pm
by JackScott
# This program is under the general public liciense so you can do whatever you want with it
# no restrictions
I'm sorry, what?! Those two lines are mutually exclusive. Even people who love the GPL would agree that it is full of restrictions.

Re: Simple os script for developing

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:22 pm
by Sam111
general public liciense
have to change that to public domain not gpl.
I was thinking one thing and writting another stupid me.
Anyway now that you guys made me look like a complete A-hole
I will with draw from this thread
