Dev-C++ as an IDE?

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Dev-C++ as an IDE?

Post by blackfireize »

First, let me say I know Dev-C++ is no longer in development. I know its a "dead project", but I still like it :oops: and want to use it as an IDE for kernel development.
(I am using a cross compiler with Cygwin on Windows 7 (x64) BTW)

Anyway, I looked at the Dev-C++ article and before I attempted what was listed, I already had some problems..
After I changed some permissions to allow me to access the compiler from the terminal, I attempted to compile a dummy file
which had the following code:

Code: Select all

int main ()
    return 0;
It gave me the following error: (I am NOT running this from the Cygwin terminal -- I am running from the Windows CMD)

Code: Select all

i586-elf-gcc: error: spawn: No such file or directory
Anyone have any ideas on whats going wrong? Thanks.
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Re: Dev-C++ as an IDE?

Post by Brynet-Inc »

It can't find the compiler.
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Re: Dev-C++ as an IDE?

Post by Creature »

Perhaps off-topic, but there is a guy that's building on the original Dev-C++ source code, trying to update it to newer standards.
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Re: Dev-C++ as an IDE?

Post by blackfireize »

Gah, im still fighting with permission issues (thats what I get for working on windows right? =D> ) I think they are the crux of my issue.
I might end up just using the Cygwin terminal instead. Still if anyone has any other suggestions..
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Re: Dev-C++ as an IDE?

Post by Solar »

None better than that. A Windows without Cygwin is crippled, IMHO. (And that's coming from someone who was Amigan first, Windows user a distant second, and came to Unix land late.)
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Re: Dev-C++ as an IDE?

Post by AJ »


I think the most likely thing is that you haven't added your cross-compiler binary to the Windows PATH environment variable. It's not enough to just export the path in Cygwin (that works for compiling from the Cygwin Bash Shell, but not by calling the compiler from anywhere else). On Windows 7, you need to Start->"advanced" and select "View Advanced System Settings". From there, you can set the environment variables (you can add a PATH variable per-user if you don't want to mess with the system instance...).

Once you have correctly done this, you should be able to Start->cmd.exe and at the command prompt, you should be able to start your cross compiler directly. If you get that sorted and Dev-C++ still gives you the error, I don't know what the problem is.

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Re: Dev-C++ as an IDE?

Post by blackfireize »

AJ wrote:Hi,

I think the most likely thing is that you haven't added your cross-compiler binary to the Windows PATH environment variable. It's not enough to just export the path in Cygwin (that works for compiling from the Cygwin Bash Shell, but not by calling the compiler from anywhere else). On Windows 7, you need to Start->"advanced" and select "View Advanced System Settings". From there, you can set the environment variables (you can add a PATH variable per-user if you don't want to mess with the system instance...).

Once you have correctly done this, you should be able to Start->cmd.exe and at the command prompt, you should be able to start your cross compiler directly. If you get that sorted and Dev-C++ still gives you the error, I don't know what the problem is.

Unfortunately I already had done that to no avail...still the same error message as in my first post. :(
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