Problem with rep movsb to >1mb, unreal mode, bochs
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:05 pm
Hey All
I'm seeing a problem that's specific to Bochs (VirtualBox executes my code and the kernel executes just fine) but I'm fairly convinced there's an error in my code, and I'm just lucky VirtualBox works.
So, I have a loadkernel function that loads the kernel from a CD through int13 extensions to somewhere <1mb, and then uses a rep movsb to move it all up to 1mb. Naturally, the function requires that I be in unreal mode to execute properly. However, when I step through my code, the "rep movsb" line causes Bochs to complain with "write_virtual_checks(): write beyond limit, r/w" for every repetition. I've done my homework on this error, and all I've found is that it could have to do with a messed up gdt, or an overgrown stack. I'm not sure how to verify whether my GDT is set up properly, but I can jump to the kernel just fine using a data segment from VB, or in Bochs if I change the rep movsb to move it to somewhere else in lower memory (eg, from 0x1000 to 0x8000). Furthermore, my stage2 is loaded at 0x600, and my stack also starts at 0x600. At this point in stepping through my code, the SP is 0x5fc, so I should be fine on that front.
The fact that using rep movsb from 0x1000 to 0x8000 suggests that something is wrong with how I've entered unreal mode...but then again, why would VB work if I'm doing that wrong?
Anyway, here's the code for loadkernel routine:
I can verify in debugger that all variables (sectsize, kernsize, KERNEL, etc) are being set/interpreted correctly. To put this in context, here's my entire stage2.S, which sets up the GDT, unreal mode, and calls this function:
Also, another red flag is that loading the kernel to 0x1000 when this second stage is loaded at 0x0600 is potentially cutting it close, but it's not the problem right now. Changing 0x1000 to 0x8000 doesn't help.
Thanks so much in advance.
I'm seeing a problem that's specific to Bochs (VirtualBox executes my code and the kernel executes just fine) but I'm fairly convinced there's an error in my code, and I'm just lucky VirtualBox works.
So, I have a loadkernel function that loads the kernel from a CD through int13 extensions to somewhere <1mb, and then uses a rep movsb to move it all up to 1mb. Naturally, the function requires that I be in unreal mode to execute properly. However, when I step through my code, the "rep movsb" line causes Bochs to complain with "write_virtual_checks(): write beyond limit, r/w" for every repetition. I've done my homework on this error, and all I've found is that it could have to do with a messed up gdt, or an overgrown stack. I'm not sure how to verify whether my GDT is set up properly, but I can jump to the kernel just fine using a data segment from VB, or in Bochs if I change the rep movsb to move it to somewhere else in lower memory (eg, from 0x1000 to 0x8000). Furthermore, my stage2 is loaded at 0x600, and my stack also starts at 0x600. At this point in stepping through my code, the SP is 0x5fc, so I should be fine on that front.
The fact that using rep movsb from 0x1000 to 0x8000 suggests that something is wrong with how I've entered unreal mode...but then again, why would VB work if I'm doing that wrong?
Anyway, here's the code for loadkernel routine:
Code: Select all
; loadkernel
; 16 bit, real mode
; loads kernel to specified location(s) KERNEL_LOC and KERNEL
; KERNEL_LOC is the place in < 1mb of memory to cache kernel
; KERNEL is the place in upper memory where the kernel will live
; (BIOS can't write above 1mb, so we have to write to KERNEL_LOC
; and then move it up to KERNEL - works because we're in unreal mode)
; assumes: We're in unreal mode, kernel can fit in lower memory
; input: none
; output: ax = 0 on success, nonzero on fail
; destroyed: eax, bx, cx, esi, edi
mov eax, [kernsize] ; set up DAP
mov word [numsect], ax
mov eax, [kernloc]
mov dword [lbanum], eax
mov word [destoff], KERNEL_LOC ; load to < 1mb
mov word [destseg], ds
mov si, DAP
mov ah, 0x42
int 0x13 ; do the read
jc .done
; now we have to move to > 1mb
mov esi,KERNEL_LOC ; place we're moving from
mov edi,KERNEL ; place we're moving to
mov cx, [sectsize] ; number of bytes to transfer (1 sector)
mov bx, [kernsize] ; loop variable - # of sectors
.loop: xchg bx, bx
a32 rep movsb ; copies # of bytes in cx, increments esi and edi
; 'a32' tells it to use esi/edi instead of si/di
dec bx ; i--
jnz .loop
mov ax,0 ; error code = success
.done: ret
Code: Select all
; Stage2 Bootloader
; FS Agnostic
; Expects a stage1 or install utility to fill in kernloc, kernsize, sectsize
; Loads kernel to KERNEL and jumpts into it
[bits 16] ; using 16 bit assembly
[org 0x0600]
; Environment Variables
KERNEL_LOC equ 0x1000
KERNEL equ 0x100000
jmp real_start
times 8-($-$$) db 0
kernloc dd 0 ; LBA offset
kernsize dd 0 ; size in SECTORS
sectsize dd 0 ; size of a sector on drive in dl
mov si, st_loaded
call putstr
mov si, st_chkkern
call putstr
cmp dword [kernloc], 0
jz .fail
cmp dword [kernsize], 0
jz .fail
mov si, success
call putstr
; Enable A20 so we can access > 1mb of ram
mov si, st_a20
call putstr
call enablea20 ; call the a20 enabler
cmp ax,0 ; did we succeed?
jnz .fail ; if ax is nonzero, no
mov si, success
call putstr
; Load GDT
mov si, st_gdt
call putstr
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
lgdt [gdt_desc] ; load the gdt
mov si, success
call putstr
push ds ; switch to unreal mode
mov eax, cr0 ; because we need to put kernel at 1mb
or al,1 ; basically, switch to pmode
mov cr0, eax
mov bx, 0x08 ;load a selector
mov ds, bx
and al, 0xFE
mov cr0, eax ; switch back to "unreal"
pop ds ; restore segment
; load kernel into memory
mov si, st_ldkern
call putstr
call loadkernel
cmp ax, 0
jnz .fail
mov si, success
call putstr
; Switch to pmode
mov si, st_pmode
call putstr
mov eax, cr0 ; get current val
or al, 1 ; set that bit
mov cr0, eax ; write it back
jmp 0x10:start_pmode ; jump to clear pipeline of non-32b inst
jmp .end
.fail:mov si, fail
call putstr
.end: sti
hlt ; Something foul happened :(
jmp .end ; just in case we get woken up
; Subroutines
; enablea20
; 16bit, real mode
; function to enable the a20 gate on a processor
; (allows access to greater range of memory)
; assumes: none
; input: none
; output: ax=0 on success, nonzero on failure
; destroyed: ax
call wait_for_kbd_in ; wait for kbd to clear
mov al, 0xD0 ; command to read status
out 0x64, al
call wait_for_kbd_out ; wait for kbd to have data
xor ax, ax ; clear ax
in al, 0x60 ; get data from kbd
push ax ; save value
call wait_for_kbd_in ; wait for keyboard to clear
mov al, 0xD1 ; command to write status
out 0x64, al
call wait_for_kbd_in ; wait for keyboard to clear
pop ax ; get the old value
or al, 00000010b ; flip A20 bit
out 0x60, al ; write it back
call wait_for_kbd_in ; double check that it worked
mov al, 0xD0 ; same process as above to read
out 0x64, al
call wait_for_kbd_out
xor ax,ax
in al, 0x60
bt ax, 1 ; is the A20 bit enabled?
jc .success
mov ax, 1 ; code that we failed
jmp .return
.success: mov ax, 0 ; code that we succeeded
.return: ret
; wait_for_kbd_in
; 16 bit, real mode
; checks to see whether keyboard controller can be written to
; assumes: none
; input: none
; output: none
; destroyed: ax
in al, 0x64 ; read the port
bt ax, 1 ; see if bit 1 is 0 or not
jc wait_for_kbd_in ; if it isn't, loop
; wait_for_kbd_out
; 16 bit, real mode
; checks to see whether keyboard controller has data to read
; assumes: none
; input: none
; output: none
; destroyed: ax
in al, 0x64 ; read the port
bt ax, 0 ; see if bit 0 is 1 or not
jnc wait_for_kbd_out ; if it isn't, loop
; loadkernel
; 16 bit, real mode
; loads kernel to specified location(s) KERNEL_LOC and KERNEL
; KERNEL_LOC is the place in < 1mb of memory to cache kernel
; KERNEL is the place in upper memory where the kernel will live
; (BIOS can't write above 1mb, so we have to write to KERNEL_LOC
; and then move it up to KERNEL - works because we're in unreal mode)
; assumes: We're in unreal mode, kernel can fit in lower memory
; input: none
; output: ax = 0 on success, nonzero on fail
; destroyed: eax, bx, cx, esi, edi
mov eax, [kernsize] ; set up DAP
mov word [numsect], ax
mov eax, [kernloc]
mov dword [lbanum], eax
mov word [destoff], KERNEL_LOC ; load to < 1mb
mov word [destseg], ds
mov si, DAP
mov ah, 0x42
int 0x13 ; do the read
jc .done
; now we have to move to > 1mb
mov esi,KERNEL_LOC ; place we're moving from
mov edi,KERNEL ; place we're moving to
mov cx, [sectsize] ; number of bytes to transfer (1 sector)
mov bx, [kernsize] ; loop variable - # of sectors
.loop: xchg bx, bx
a32 rep movsb ; copies # of bytes in cx, increments esi and edi
; 'a32' tells it to use esi/edi instead of si/di
dec bx ; i--
jnz .loop
mov ax,0 ; error code = success
.done: ret
; putstr
; 16 bit, real mode
; Prints a null terminated string to screen
; input: string address to be in si
; output: none
; destroyed: ax, bx
mov ah, 0x0E ; function for printing
mov bh, 0x00 ; page number
mov bl, 0x07 ; color
.ldchr: lodsb ; put a byte of the string into al
cmp al, 0
je .done ; if it's null/zero, all done
int 0x10 ; do the print
jmp .ldchr ; go to next char
.done: ret
; start_pmode
; label in 32bit assembly used in the far jump to clear pipeline for switching from
; real16bit to protected32bit mode
[BITS 32]
mov ax, 0x08 ; need to load data segment into ds/ss
mov ds, ax
mov ss, ax
mov esp, 0x090000 ; move stack pointer to 090000h, gives us a 65kb stack
; this is probably a weird place for a stack long term
jmp 0x10:KERNEL ; jmp to kernel!
; Data
; Disk Address Packet
; (data structure used by int13 ah=42)
db 0x10 ; size of this packet
db 0 ; always zero
numsect dw 0 ; number of sectors to transfer
destoff dw 0 ; segment and offset in mem
destseg dw 0
lbanum dd 0 ; lba to read
lbanum2 dd 0 ; extra space for lba offset
gdt: dq 0 ; need a null segment
dw 0xFFFF, 0, 0x9200, 0x00CF ; data
dw 0xFFFF, 0, 0x9A00, 0x00CF ; code
dw gdt_end - gdt - 1 ; first word is expected to be size of gdt-1
dd gdt ; then the gdt address
; Strings for printing status
st_loaded db 'seanOS 2nd Stage Bootloader',13,10,0
st_chkkern db 'Checking Kernel Info................',0
st_a20 db 'Enabling A20........................',0
st_gdt db 'Loading GDT.........................',0
st_ldkern db 'Loading Kernel......................',0
st_pmode db 'Switching to PMode..................',0
; Success and fail strings;
success db 'Done',13,10,0
fail db 'Fail',13,10,0
Thanks so much in advance.