I find it difficult to find and scan the root-dir. I find the root-dir this way:
;bereken de LBA
mov ax, [num_fats]
mov bx, [sectors_per_fat]
mul bx ;num_fats * sectors_per_fat...
add ax, [num_boot_sectors] ;... + num_boot_sectors
push ax ;zet de LBA op de stack
;bereken aantal in te lezen sectors
mov ax, [num_root_dir_ents]
mov bx, 0x20
mul bx ;num_root_dir_ents * 0x20...
mov bx, [bytes_per_sector]
div bx ;... / bytes_per_sector
mov cx, ax ;cx = aantal in te lezen sectors
pop ax ;ax = LBA
mov bx, 0x0200
mov es, bx ;segment:
mov bx, 0x0000 ;offset van de root_dir
call load_sector ;laad de sectors van de floppy
load_sector resets the floppy drive, calls LBAtoCHS and loads the sectors where the root-dir is. I then scan the root-dir for
second.bin db 'SECOND BIN',0
it doesn't find it... I use cmpsb to compare the string... Load the string in like this:
mov si, second.bin_file ;de string om te zoeken
mov bx, 0x0200
mov es, bx ;waar te zoeken
xor di, di ;di = 0
than call scan_root_dir
is anything wrong with this? Debugging for 2 days now...
Scanning the root dir fails...
RE:Scanning the root dir fails...
Ow, yes ofcourse! Your english...
;calculate the LBA
mov ax, [num_fats]
mov bx, [sectors_per_fat]
mul bx ;num_fats * sectors_per_fat...
add ax, [num_boot_sectors] ;... + num_boot_sectors
push ax ;push the LBA to the stack
;calculate number of sectors to read
mov ax, [num_root_dir_ents]
mov bx, 0x20
mul bx ;num_root_dir_ents * 0x20...
mov bx, [bytes_per_sector]
div bx ;... / bytes_per_sector
mov cx, ax ;cx = # sectors to read
pop ax ;ax = LBA
mov bx, 0x0200
mov es, bx ;segment:
mov bx, 0x0000 ;offset of the root_dir
call load_sector ;load the sectors from the root-dir
load_sector resets the floppy drive, calls LBAtoCHS and loads the sectors where the root-dir is. I then scan the root-dir for
second.bin db 'SECOND BIN',0
it doesn't find it... I use cmpsb to compare the string... Load the string in like this:
mov si, second.bin_file ;the string to search
mov bx, 0x0200
mov es, bx ;where to search
xor di, di ;di = 0
then call scan_root_dir
If there's not anything wrong with this, please post that, then I will post all my code
;calculate the LBA
mov ax, [num_fats]
mov bx, [sectors_per_fat]
mul bx ;num_fats * sectors_per_fat...
add ax, [num_boot_sectors] ;... + num_boot_sectors
push ax ;push the LBA to the stack
;calculate number of sectors to read
mov ax, [num_root_dir_ents]
mov bx, 0x20
mul bx ;num_root_dir_ents * 0x20...
mov bx, [bytes_per_sector]
div bx ;... / bytes_per_sector
mov cx, ax ;cx = # sectors to read
pop ax ;ax = LBA
mov bx, 0x0200
mov es, bx ;segment:
mov bx, 0x0000 ;offset of the root_dir
call load_sector ;load the sectors from the root-dir
load_sector resets the floppy drive, calls LBAtoCHS and loads the sectors where the root-dir is. I then scan the root-dir for
second.bin db 'SECOND BIN',0
it doesn't find it... I use cmpsb to compare the string... Load the string in like this:
mov si, second.bin_file ;the string to search
mov bx, 0x0200
mov es, bx ;where to search
xor di, di ;di = 0
then call scan_root_dir
If there's not anything wrong with this, please post that, then I will post all my code
RE:Scanning the root dir fails...
Berry go here:
And down load "bootprog.zip" in is the code to do what you want (Coded in nasm) compear it with yours, and see were you are going wrong.
And down load "bootprog.zip" in is the code to do what you want (Coded in nasm) compear it with yours, and see were you are going wrong.