hi; I'm new to learn asm and os develop. I have a problem
bootloader load bootsector to 0x8000 . when I use this code no problem. It loads success. but I want to use this code without use ORG 0x8000. how can I do this without ? thanks
org 0x8000
LEA SI, [start_msg]
call out_string
; in: ds:si -> ASCIIZ string
test al, al
jz sdone
mov ah, 0Eh
mov bx, 7
int 10h
jmp out_string
start_msg db 2,' loading kernel'
please help for boot code
Re: please help for boot code
Use a linker.
Re: please help for boot code
Use org whateveryouwant, and then modify your 1st stage bootloader to load to that address
Re: please help for boot code
And, use code tags.
Programming is not about using a language to solve a problem, it's about using logic to find a solution !