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Solved problem building cross compiler

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:43 am
by qw
Just to let you know. Building a cross compiler under Cygwin failed because "make" couldn't create some temporary directory. Though I couldn't find the exact cause, I suspected the problem had something to do with file permissions. After experimenting for a while, I solved the problem by mounting all Cygwin directories with the "noacl" option in "/etc/fstab":

Code: Select all

C:/Program\040Files/Cygwin/bin /usr/bin ntfs override,noacl,posix=0 0 0
C:/Program\040Files/Cygwin/lib /usr/lib ntfs override,noacl,posix=0 0 0
C:/Program\040Files/Cygwin / ntfs override,noacl,posix=0 0 0

none /cygdrive cygdrive noacl,posix=0,user 0 0
Maybe it's a dirty hack but then again, I'm a Windows user.