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__emit__ (0xCD, 0x20) Help me!

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:00 am
by rodrigofagner
I stoped  on that line in TC after setup CRO.PE bit and load al registers with a valid selectors
please does anyone can help me to translate __emit__ (0xCD, 0x20) ?
what is this? int 20h ? call int20h? please help! the only thing rest to
finish up the tut03 to borland pascal is this....
I cannot continue withou understand this function!

many thanks!

RE:__emit__ (0xCD, 0x20) Help me!

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:00 am
I have put the above code in YaHoo and got 100's of links that say what it is. TRY IT!.


RE:__emit__ (0xCD, 0x20) Help me!

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:00 am
by rodrigofagner
thak you, the thing I forgot to tell you is that I don't speake much english
if I said anything that you don't like please! I'm so sorry ! really ! so sorry!
that was not my intention! please ASHLEY4...

I was just trying to help anybody here cuz I saw that many person don't like to program PM on Borland pascal


many Brazilian Hugs !