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Multiboot problem

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 12:00 am
by eden

Maybe this question is not right for this forum, but I’ll try.

I have 2 hdd, one has 2 partitions Win98 & Win2000 and the other had Linux. I used Lilo for booting.
Yesterday I decided to install OpenBsd over the Linux. I went to Win98 and with PQ magic deleted the Linux partition (what a stupid thing).

I then install OpenBsd, boot from the second disk, everything ok. Just before I decided it is enough for tonight, I said to my self: let’s boot in Win2000, for any case…

And what a pleasant surprise. From Lilo I get at the command prompt just LI and blank screen.

Now I know this was stupid thing to do,  I know that LILO is probably trying to load something from the second disk and don’t find it there. But what can I do?

If I boot in OpenBsd with fdisk I can see my partitions on the first disk, even the exact bytes (and CHS) from where they start.

Is there any simple boot loader that I can install or even to compile something for fixed booting one (or both) of my partitions?


RE:Multiboot problem

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 12:00 am
by Moose
You say you can boot into bsd through fdisk. Does that actually get you in the full os or just fdisk showing partitions? If you get the os, just edit the lilo config file with the appropriate info for loading your other partitions and away you go.

You could create a bootable floppy disk with the grub bootloader (or possibly lilo?), then edit the config to load your particular partitions off the hark disk.


RE:Multiboot problem

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 12:00 am
by eden
Hi Moose

I have the full os on the second disk, but I don't have the Lilo anymore (there for also no config file). Lilo was installed on the same (second)disk (and partition) where now I have OpenBSD. I suppose (am sure) that I must install the bootloader (lilo or any other) again.


RE:Multiboot problem

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 12:00 am
Try this loader i used when had the same problem.


RE:Multiboot problem

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:00 am
by eden
Thanks for the replay. I'll check it, for sure.

However, I found yesterday this bootloader:

It is realy simple and save me a lot of troubles. It is just one floppy to install and fits only in the boot sector, it is not taking any extra space. With this one I can never make the same mistake like with Lilo.
