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Debian lenny crash on bochs

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:45 pm
by johntortugo
Hello fellas.

I've recently installed debian lenny in bochs 2.4.5 (also tried debian 6, ubuntu 10.x, ...), everything is functioning just fine except the X/gdm (i.e screen). This is a screenshot of the erros [1, 2]... I don't know what else to try, I guess it is something related to the vga bios that I'm using but I'm not sure and I've tried three (cirrus, elpin and vga). Anyone have an idea :idea: of what could be this? Any hint is very apreciated!


[1] (and worse than this one)

PS: I'm sorry to disturb your happy coding if this is the wrong place to post this message...