Problem with the linker.
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:57 am
Hi, i could use you're help.
Is there something wrong with this script?
Command line:
Error line:
Hope you can help
Is there something wrong with this script?
Code: Select all
INPUT(kernel.o ks.o)
.text 0x100000 : {
code = .; _code = .; __code = .;
. = ALIGN(4096);
.data : {
data = .; _data = .; __data = .;
. = ALIGN(4096);
.bss :
bss = .; _bss = .; __bss = .;
. = ALIGN(4096);
end = .; _end = .; __end = .;
Code: Select all
ld -T link.ld -o kernel.bin
Code: Select all
ks.o: file not recognized: File format not recognized
Hope you can help