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Read FAT16 table problem

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:51 pm
by Raddel

I'have a problem during read FAT16 table... this is a piece of my bootsector code

Code: Select all

        mov             ax,4                            ;-- First Sector
        call              LBACHS
   [b] mov             al,250  [/b]                   ;-- Read 1 FAT (Flashdisk 256Mb)
        mov             bx,ds
        mov             es,bx
        mov             di,buffer
        mov             bx,di
        call            READSECTOR
My problem is at bold instruction, i try to read first FAT on disk and i want to read whole one FAT in memory, that is point to ES:BX. But when i check at ES:BX there a invalid value, not a FAT Table. But when I change the value :

Code: Select all

mov al,1
ES:BX have a valid value. I need help who have experience of this thing... Is there limitation at INT 13h to read disk?
Sorry if my english bad.

Best Regards,

Re: Read FAT16 table problem

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 6:41 pm
by thepowersgang
What interrupt are you calling, what arguments are being passed?
What is the purpose of each instruction in your assembly dump?

Re: Read FAT16 table problem

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:20 pm
by Raddel
Here is my code READSECTOR and LBA2CHS

Code: Select all

;-- proc LBACHS must be call to calculation C-H-S
;-- then C-H-S will auto input in register before call int 13h
;-- IN          : AL (Number of Sector to read) 
;-- OUT         : Buffer (ES:BX)
        pusha   ;-- push all register
        mov             ah,2h
        mov             ch,[absTrack]
        mov             cl,[absSector]
        mov             dh,[absHead]
        mov             dl,[bootdev]
        int             13h
        popa    ;-- pop all register
;-- IN              : AX (LBA)
;   OUT             : Absolute Track (Cylinder), Head, Sector
        pusha   ;-- push all register
        xor             dx,dx
        ;-- Calculation Absolute Sector
        div             word[SectorPerTrack]
        inc             dl
        mov             byte[absSector],dl
        ;-- Calculation Absolute Head and Track
        xor             dx,dx
        div             word[Heads]
        mov             byte[absHead],dl
        mov             byte[absTrack],al
        popa    ;-- pop all register
        absTrack        db 0
        absHead         db 0
        absSector       db 0              
I have problem when read sector if al = 250, the data is not a valid data, i have check to dump buffer at memory.. But if i read sector set al=1 then buffer have a valid data. How it can be? I need to read FAT table buffered at memory, but it seems gonna wrong when i set al=250. Why 250? because SectorPerFAT=250. Anyone have idea about this?

Re: Read FAT16 table problem

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:24 am
by egos
Raddel wrote:My problem is at bold instruction, i try to read first FAT on disk and i want to read whole one FAT in memory, that is point to ES:BX. But when i check at ES:BX there a invalid value, not a FAT Table. But when I change the value :

Code: Select all

mov al,1
ES:BX have a valid value. I need help who have experience of this thing... Is there limitation at INT 13h to read disk?
Sorry if my english bad.
Function 2 is able to read the sectors on "one track". You can try to use function 42h before using function 2. I think to cache only actual fragments of FAT is better way. I'm loading whole FAT for floppies only.

Re: Read FAT16 table problem

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:08 pm
by azblue
Raddel wrote:Here is my code READSECTOR and LBA2CHS

I have problem when read sector if al = 250, the data is not a valid data, i have check to dump buffer at memory.. But if i read sector set al=1 then buffer have a valid data. How it can be? I need to read FAT table buffered at memory, but it seems gonna wrong when i set al=250. Why 250? because SectorPerFAT=250. Anyone have idea about this?
250 Sectors per FAT does not mean the FAT starts at sector 250; if I remember correctly it starts after the reserved sectors.

Re: Read FAT16 table problem

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:33 am
by Raddel
@azblues : I have calculate start of LBA before call READSECTOR. al=250 is a number of sector, that's not mean the start of sector, the start of sector read from sector 4.

@Egos: May be you right, i need to extended read. Could you have some example code for that?

If just a disk 1.44Mb it has a little size of FAT, And how i can read FAT Table that have size of partition above 1GB?
Does anyone now the trick about read FAT table in memory?

Re: Read FAT16 table problem

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:50 am
by egos
Raddel wrote:Could you have some example code for that?
Function 42h is easy to use, but don't forget to check support for it by calling function 41h.
If just a disk 1.44Mb it has a little size of FAT, And how i can read FAT Table that have size of partition above 1GB?
Does anyone now the trick about read FAT table in memory?
As I said above you can cache only actual fragments of FAT ะต.g. only one sector of FAT and use it until you need to load other one.

Re: Read FAT16 table problem

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:17 am
by Raddel
I see, thank you about the information :D.