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Bootloader help

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:09 pm
by a07859
I tried to make Fat32 bit bootloader on a flash disk. but it can't load the kernel. Can anybody help me to correct the boot code?

Re: Bootloader help

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:58 pm
by mark3094
I've just had a quick look, and it looks like you are loading the kernel to 0100:0000 in test.asm, but the ORG directive in kernel.asm is 0000h.

In my bootloader, I have the first stage load the second stage at 0050:0000. Then at the start of stage 2, I use the [ORG 0x500] directive. Stage 2 then enters protected mode, enables A20, etc and loads a basic kernel (I'm still working on the Kernel).

At this point it doesn't look like you have a 32-bit bootloader, as you haven't entered protected mode (I'm presuming that you are using x86 architecture)

I hope this helps