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OS capable of running paascal programs?

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 12:00 am
by PascalFreak
Hey, I am very new to OS development and have recently decided to switch from os dev, to OS application development and have a question... Has anyone created an OS capable of running Programs developed in Turbo Pascal, and If so I would like to try to expand upon your OS, I will not claim that I wrote the OS, but merely that I developed applications for it, but also I would Like to see some source code to see what I am working with, and again I will give you full credit for your achivements and am basically only doing this for experience, and I will not sell any part of this OS to anyone. My hope is to someday be able to create a GUI for the OS I have selected and maybe get somewhere with it.

- you can contact me at: [email protected]

       - Peace out -

RE:OS capable of running paascal programs?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 12:00 am
by rexlunae
Well, GCC has a Pascal compiler which will probably work for most Pascal code, and nearly every major OS on the planet will run GCC, so you could just use Linux or FreeBSD or something as the base system.

RE:OS capable of running paascal programs?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 12:00 am
You can use freedos,this is a free dos clone,that comes with sorce code.
I know it runs turbo pascal programs, because i have run a mario clone on it (made in turbo pascal).

You can also use the bootloader called "bootprog" it loads a exe file from the floppy do a search on the net for it.

PS: you can not use all the pascal commands, as you will not have dos functions in the loader, most do work as i have writen a small os in turbo pascal with it.